The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Wired Launches a new podcast: Sleepwalkers, in the post below with links to it. Will be listening to and following. Posting comments here.
Rethinking Our Relationship With Artificial Intelligence
A podcast series examines AI and…
Assistance is important, especially with respect to repetitive tasks that need strong context.
Robots can learn how to support teachers in class sessions
by University of Plymouth in Techexplore
Robots can take just three hours
Evidence for Cybercrime in the cloud.
Machine Learning Advances Tool to Fight Cybercrime in the Cloud
Purdue University News
By Chris Adam
Purdue University researchers used machine learning to develop a cloud forensic model that…
D.E. Shaw Research is seeking Systems Administrators for Servers, Clusters and Supercomputers in our Job of the Week. "Our research effort is aimed at achieving major scientific advances in the field of biochemistry and fundamentally…
"Ok, you’re running a student cluster competition. You tell the university student teams that they can build any cluster they want with the only restriction being that it has to consume less than 3,000 watts during the competition…
There is value in having game developers aid in designing interaction with business problems.
The Sims’ Creator Shares His Secrets
“If I was going to teach somebody videogame design from scratch, where would I start?”
That’s how…
Humor as engagement. Can it be delivered artificially, as a strong component of story?
It's No Joke: AI Beats Humans at Making You Laugh |by Dina Gerdeman in HBSWK
We all enjoy sharing jokes with friends, hoping a witty…
The Sea Hunting Autonomous Reconnaissance Drone (SHARD) swims like a squid and can explode on command. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my…
This article ultimately gets very technical, but attracted me because the bit size starts to get interesting for real problems. The abstract and intro part are enough to give you a feeling for advances and their implications…
As I read this, it too could have been used usefully for our forestry application, since we had large scale databases of measurements based on location contexts, like slopes and area history.
Mobile Mapping More Accurate With
A newly upgraded data center at the French Space Agency CNES took 15th place in the world ranking in the IO500 list unveiled this month. IO500 is an international benchmark standard managed by the Virtual Institute for I/O that…
In this video from SC19, Stephen Simms from OpenSFS and Frank Baetke from EOFS announce the release of the Lustre trademark back to the Lustre community. "We are very pleased to have reached such an agreement with Seagate and…
Brief, intriguing piece in Coindesk, a blockchain App of the tracking type. Seems a very simple solution regarding altitude and IOT. No indication anything is currently being created.
IBM Patents Blockchain to Stop Drones…
Plus predicaments of error modeling Cropped from Bacon Sandwich source Sir David Spiegelhalter is a British statistician. He is a strong voice for the public understanding of statistics. His work extends to all walks of life,…
Interesting research: "TrojDRL: Trojan Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents": Abstract:: Recent work has identified that classification models implemented as neural networks are vulnerable to data-poisoning and Trojan…
Not quite all the same thing, but interesting spins on the idea. Like the idea of a story, like a contract, that could adapt readily to an audience and context.
AI Storytelling Companies Usher in New Era of Characters, Relationships…
Back to the interest in the tiny drone.
RoboBee Powered by Soft Muscles
Harvard University John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Leah Burrows
Researchers at Harvard University's John A. Paulson School of Engineering…
In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team recaps the SC19 Student Cluster Competition. "We talk about the student configurations, kicked around the pros and cons of the “small is beautiful” movement in the student cluster competition…
Today Rescale announced a strategic business agreement with the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information to provide cloud services for KISTI’s Nurion supercomputer. "The existing HPC cluster required users to generate…
All analytics should be explainable in business context. And the person responsible for that part of the business should also be able to explain how and why it works.
Voices in AI – Episode 101: A Conversation with Cindi Howsen…
The DHS is requiring all federal agencies to develop a vulnerability disclosure policy. The goal is that people who discover vulnerabilities in government systems have a mechanism for reporting them to someone who might actually…
Admirable, but will it work? As one of the inventors of the Web, he will be heard, but will the contract be accepted, followed?
Tim Berners-Lee Launches a 'Contract for the Web' to Govern Internet Giants, Governments
Always looking for ways to integrate smarts into enterprise business designs and tasks, so this is worth looking at. Looks like its taking a step ahead of Amazon for Business, given the G Suite's existing infrastructure.
The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) just announced its 2019 Fellows! Fellows are elected each year by their peers serving on the Council of AAAS, the organization’s member-run governing body. The honor…
At SC19, Penguin Computing announced a powerful new supercomputer coming to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Called Magma, the system was procured through the Commodity Technology Systems (CTS-1) contract with the National…
At SC19 in Denver, Inspur launched the MX1 AI System. With support for a variety of OAM (OCP Accelerator Module)-compliant AI chips, the MX1 is the first OAM AI system that supports different types of AI chips from multiple manufacturers…
The Cray User Group has extended an invitation for HPE HPC & AI customers to participate in the upcoming CUG 2020 event in Auckland, New Zealand. The move signals that the independent organization will continue now that Cray
Voting is more than counting.
In this video from SC19, Matthew Arnold from Advantech describes the company's wide array of server products for HPC, AI, and the Edge. "From security frameworks, energy, natural resource management to healthcare, artificial
In this video from SC19, Mohan Potheri from VMware describes how virtualization makes HPC users more productive. "High Performance Computing workloads are forecasted to be one of the fastest-growing workload types through 2020…