The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
In This Week in Machine Learning podcast, Xavier Amatriain from Quora discusses the process of engineering practical machine learning systems. Amatriainis a former machine learning researcher who went on to lead the recommender…
Simple thought. Via Columbia B School.
Get Ahead with "Idea Networking"
When opportunity takes too long to arrive, it's time to go out and find it. ... by William Duggan
Excerpted from The Seventh Sense by William Duggan. Copyright…
Examined the ideas of psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's 'Flow' way back. And now read a piece in medium by John Boitnott that points to work saying that multitasking is killing our brains. Gives some ideas about achieving…
Why Venture Capital Needs Ethnographers: Making Meaningful Innovation in the Startup Sphere by Julia Katherine Haines, Google- December 20, 2016 The power of ethnographic methods and ethnographic thinking is not about finding…
As societies face increasingly complex problems, design is emerging as the tool to solve some of Asia’s biggest issues. Through field trips with designers skilled in human-centered design, the team behind Ethnographers’ Field…
In ADTMag:
IBM Goes Mobile with Watson By David Ramel
For two years, IBM has provided the cognitive computing capabilities of its Watson Analytics service via a Web interface, and now it's gone mobile. ...
It can analyze and
Cleverbot was again brought to my attention. We had examined some of its predecessors in the 90s as a means for trialing conversational bot applications. And then I just saw a whimsical demonstration of this shown here: "…
A new study led by a research scientist at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) highlights a literally shady practice in plant science that has in some cases underestimated plants’ rate…
Dr. Maria Klawe gave this Invited Talk at SC16. "Like many other computing research areas, women and other minority groups are significantly under-represented in supercomputing. This talk discusses successful strategies for
More emergent chatbots. Another excursion into AI like capabilities. Still needs help.
Microsoft takes another shot at an AI chatbot with Zo
Microsoft has fielded a preview of another AI chatbot,, but so far is limiting…
More (expensive) smart refrigerators are out there, and looking inwardly. Cool looking and a conversation piece.
LG put Alexa in a refrigerator and it seems like a great idea
The company's Smart InstaView fridge puts Amazon's
Had seen the idea proposed many times, never successfully. Really a specific kind of sensor. Now add image recognition to it to get inventory. It was pointed out to me that there are many practical problems with such a sensor…
Thoughtful piece. I agree, what I saw in integrated bots last year was not impressive. Far to easy to get the results to be poor or even highjacked. Context integration and management will be necessary. Our own experiments…
The 25th Anniversary of the ACO Program Cropped from src1 & src2 in gardens for karma Prasad Tetali and Robin Thomas are mathematicians at Georgia Tech who are organizing the Conference Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the…
Easy recipe from America's Test Kitchen. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered....
Roads need to get smarter too. Infrastucture needs to act as part of an Internet of Things. An article from CACM:
States Wire Up Roads as Cars Get Smarter by The Wall Street Journal ... To prepare for the day when self-driving…
In this video, a new NASA supercomputer simulation depicts the planet and debris disk around the nearby star Beta Pictoris reveals that the planet's motion drives spiral waves throughout the disk, a phenomenon that greatly increases…
A new site developed by Tin H compares the HPC virtualization capabilities of Docker, Singularity, Shifter, and Univa Grid Engine Container Edition. "They bring the benefits of container to the HPC world and some provide very…
Good article debunking the myth that requiring people to use their real names on the Internet makes them behave better....
Thomas Schulthess from CSCS gave this Invited Talk at SC16. "Experience with today’s platforms show that there can be an order of magnitude difference in performance within a given class of numerical methods – depending only
In this presentation from Nvidia, top AI experts from the world's most influential companies weigh in on predicted advances for AI in 2017. “In 2017, intelligence will trump speed. Over the last several decades, nations have
In this week's CES we saw lots of examples of the embedding Alexa in platforms and devices. But its not only about Alexa, Google Assistant, the brains behind the Google Home, is stepping out as well. CWorld provides some early…
Been a longer follower of Lego, its toys and its use as a thinking tool, for adults and children. This new piece In Knowledge@Wharton looks at the move forward in its business model. Good detailed piece. Lets continue…
See this as a kind of proto advertising. Predicting purchase in the customer journey AI can create videos of the future An MIT lab algorithm can predict how a scene will play out. Is this further applicable? In Engadget…
In Technology Review with link to paper:
A Secure Model of IoT with Blockchain
The Internet of Things is a fast-growing, increasingly complex network of connected devices. This excerpt from an Open Mind article touches on blockchain…
For most non-technical folks, “hacking” evokes the notion of using sophisticated technical skills to break through the security of a corporate or government system for illicit purposes. Of course, most folks who were engaged…
In Yahoo News:
Las Vegas (AFP) - Chinese internet colossus Baidu is out to make a splash with 'Little Fish,' a family robot that is a voice-controlled virtual valet akin to Amazon Echo or Google Home.
Baidu showed off "Little
In the McKinsey Global Institute:
The age of analytics: Competing in a data-driven world
By Nicolaus Henke, Jacques Bughin, Michael Chui, James Manyika, Tamim Saleh, Bill Wiseman, and Guru Sethupathy
Big Data's potential just keeps…
The South Big Data (BD) Hub is proud to present a monthly series on emerging data science challenges, featuring researchers, innovators, and industry from the South Hub. One area of emphasis for the South BD Hub, among others…
I attended an introductory presentation on Bosch's Kuri home robotic system today. This is a two foot high moving robot with eyes. The eyes it have an embedded video camera, so can transfer HD images it sees to a smartphone…