The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
IKEA makes furniture more accessible with 3D printing
ThisAbles could help more people navigate their home. By Jon Fingas in Engadget
Facing nonexistential realities Neil L. is a Leprechaun. He has graced these pages before. Today, the day before St. Patrick’s Day, we ponder universal riddles of existence. Ken, who will visit me this coming week, insisted on…
Looks to be another good selection from KDNuggets
Free Books By Matthew Mayo, KDnuggets.
Who likes free books?
Considering the popularity of the previous installments of the "Free Must-Read Books" series, a third edition of quality…
There is mounting evidence that clearing old cells (senescent cells) from old tissues has a rejuvenating effect. There are very few such cells in most cases, but they cause a disproportionate amount of problems. Anderson et al…
Just got a chance to look at this more closely.
Gain Interaction Insights Using New Analytics in the ASK Developer Console By BJ Haberkorn
Today we added interaction path analysis to the Analytics tab on the Alexa Skills Kit (ASK)…
From First to Third, and Alternative Too: A Guide to Data Types By Alex Woodie in Datanami
One way to create a competitive edge in your business is to use the latest and greatest analytic techniques. Stream processing, deep learning…
"The Manager of HPC Systems within Information Technology Services will be responsible for enabling both existing and emerging high performance computing solutions and related infrastructure, providing a high level of service…
In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team discusses AI, bias in AI, and just how real AI actually is. "Ethics in AI, policy, legal framework are all big threads here. The trigger is the rather funny article from The Register:
Have been looking at some of Salesforce offerings.
Video of of tech of basics of Salesforce Einstein:
By Mark Tossell:
Einstein Discovery is a curious enigma in the Salesforce ecosystem. Most people in the Salesforce world have
You can hunt for the Hawaiian bobtail squid. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....
An article I co-wrote -- my first law journal article -- was cited by the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court -- the state supreme court -- in a case on compelled decryption. Here's the first, in footnote 1: We understand the…
This is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak: I'm teaching a live online class called "Spotlight on Cloud: The Future of Internet Security with Bruce Schneier" on O'Reilly's learning platform, Thursday, April…
Good introduction to these methods, including code. Click through for links to each article.
15 Great Articles about Bayesian Methods and Networks
Posted by Vincent Granville on March 15, 2019
This resource is part of a series…
Quite an interesting development. How might Wal-Mart use this kind of channel to drive online purchases? Inexpensive position could drive broader uses. Perhaps adding some shopping assistant to aid the shopper, curating…
And especially when there is likely changes in data over time, and there will be a need to change sources. And especially in variant metadata, often forgotten about. Good reminder of the general problem.
Overcoming Unpredictable…
I repeat, risk is rarely well tracked and evaluated.
A practical approach to supply-chain risk management
In supply-chain risk management, organizations often don’t know where to start. We offer a practical approach.
Sent from McKinsey…
A new distributed file system for HPC being distributed today via GitHub provides unprecedented performance for creating, updating and managing extreme numbers of files. "We designed DeltaFS to enable the creation of trillions…
More Broadly, losing site of the goals. Crucial for any analytical project.
Big Data’s Biggest Challenge: How to Avoid Getting Lost in the Weeds from K@W.
Podcast and Transcript
Wharton's Raghuram Iyengar and Evite CEO Victor…
Researchers have found a critical flaw in the Swiss Internet voting system. I was going to write an essay about how this demonstrates that Internet voting is a stupid idea and should never be attempted -- and that this system…
Computationally, EXAALT’s goal is to develop a comprehensive molecular dynamics capability for exascale. "The user should be able to say, ‘I’m interested in this kind of system size, timescale, and accuracy,’ and directly access…
Brent Gorda from ARM gave this talk at the Rice Oil & Gas Conference. "With the recent Astra system at Sandia Lab (#203 on the Top500) and HPE Catalyst project in the UK, Arm-based architectures are arriving in HPC environments…
What are the economic benefits of HPC? A new study by the University of Colorado Boulder's Leeds School of Business indicates that the economic impact of NREL amounted to more than $1.1 billion nationwide, while the impact on…
Hosein Azarbonyad, my best friend at ILPS, has just defended his PhD dissertation, on "Exploratory Search over Semi-Structured Documents". He is now a data scientist at KLM. I've designed Hosein's thesis cover: and here is its…
At Mindbenders, we want kids to put down their textbooks and learn by creating and doing.
Leadership to Continue the Group’s Work in Ensuring the Universal Acceptance of All Domain Names 15 MARCH 2019 – The Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) elects new Chair and three new Vice Chairs as its leadership team…
Letter from ACM-W Chair News from ACM-W Celebrations News from ACM-W Student Chapters News from ACM-W Professional Chapters News from ACM-W Scholarships News from ACM-W Europe Welcome from the ACM-W Chair Each year ACM presents…
This sounds like a good development: ...a new $10 million contract the Defense Department's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has launched to design and build a secure voting system that it hopes will be impervious…
Intriguing kind of application. See the image at the link for a visual description of the idea.
Machine Learning Tracks Moving Cells
by Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Graduate University in RDMag
Nicely done infographic visual by AppInstitute. Interesting given I have lived through all this, which events I can remember, and which not.
History of the Web Timeline Infographic: Celebrating 30 Years of the World Wide Web
Today the European Submer startup announced that their latest SmartPod Immersion Cooling System conforms to both standard server formats and to Open Compute Project (OCP) specifications for high-performance, supercomputing, and…