The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Always having a consistent, simplest, correct answer is best.
Cheerful Chatbots Do Not Necessarily Improve Customer Service
Georgia Tech Research
December 21, 2022
Chatbots displaying positive emotions do not always improve customer…Includes some useful examples below.
Enabling Dynamic Control Flow in CUDA Graphs with Device Graph Launch
By Sally Stevenson, Stephen Jones and Fred Oh
CUDA Graphs significantly reduce the overhead of launching a large batch of…Jan. 10, 2023 — The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced awards totaling $17 million for small businesses in 25 states. The 77 projects are in the fields of advanced scientific computing and scientific instrumentation…
TROY, Mich., January 9, 2023 – Altair has announced simulation portfolio updates, collectively called Simulation 2022.2, designed to improve Altair’s cloud elasticity and scalability, electrification, and product development
Experimenting with an interaction with learning, Generative AI system. Now very much in the news. Search for GPT for much more about it in this blog. This gives you a hands on look into the state of the art in a form of…
Calling it a “pivotal moment” in its turnaround, Intel today made it official: the company launched its new and much-discussed 4th Gen Intel Xeon Scalable processors (“Sapphire Rapids”), the Xeon CPU Max Series (“Sapphire Rapids…
COLLEGE PARK, Md. & TORONTO — Today, IonQ, Inc. (NYSE: IONQ), announced its acquisition of the operating assets of Entangled Networks , a Toronto-based company focused on enabling computation across multiple distributed quantum…
Thank you to everyone who has nominated a colleague or self-nominated themselves for the opportunity to be a CCC Council member. As a reminder, nominations are open through 11:59pm EST on Friday, February 10, 2023. Read more…
Have seen several food oriented robotics demonstrations lately.
Why Restaurant Chains Are Investing in Robots and What It Means for Workers
CNBC, Amelia Lucas, December 27, 2022
This year brought a flurry of automation announcements…Robots Grip Better when They Grip Smarter
IEEE Spectrum
Charles Q. Choi, December 28, 2022
A robot has been trained by researchers from Carnegie Mellon University’s Robotics Institute to grasp items of various sizes, weights, shapes…ChatGPT makes the same kinds of mistakes its predecessors did. What can and should we do about it?
Came from CPG, and strong use of consumer data, so of interest.
Veeral Shah Named 1st Chief E-comm & Digital Officer at Nestlé USA
Personnel Moves (of interest)
Veeral Shah has been named chief e-commerce and digital officerShah…Interesting direction,
UC Berkeley Launches SkyPilot to Help Navigate Soaring Cloud Costs
By Jaime Hampton, Datanami
Runaway cloud computing costs can stifle machine learning and data science projects, and many organizations are…Space musings based on new devices and findings.
Is The first planet found by the Kepler space telescope is doomed?
Every year, the planet inches closer to its star
Like the giant planet illustrated here, the planet Kepler 1658b…I don’t know how much of a thing this will end up being, but we are seeing ChatGPT-written malware in the wild.
…within a few weeks of ChatGPT going live, participants in cybercrime forums—some with little or no coding experience…Jan. 9, 2023 — Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $56 million to provide research opportunities to historically underrepresented groups and institutions in STEM. The funding, through the DOE Office of Science…
From a comment on Bruce Schneiers post on Cellphone tracing and related technologies used by law enforcement to track suspect behavior, actual and inferred This is regarding the recent Idaho murders. Informative regarding…
Gabriele Meyer is a Senior Lecturer Emerita in the Department of Mathematics, at the University of Wisconsin. She creates beautiful art by crocheting mathematical shapes. In a recent article on a crocheting website, quoting an…
The Financial Times reported today that the government of the UK has paid a £24 million settlement to Atos over an £850 million contract awarded to Microsoft for a weather supercomputer to be used by the UK’s Met Office. “The…
Scaling Solutions, Quantum Supremacy?
New Algorithm Closes Quantum Supremacy Window
Random circuit sampling, a popular technique for showing the power of quantum computers, doesn’t scale up if errors go unchecked.
By Ben Brubaker…The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) just announced their 2023 class of Elevated Fellows. Among them are members of the community with past affiliations and/or involvement with the Computing Research Association…
As you probably already know from other sources, Martin Davis passed away on Jan 1, 2023, at the age of 94. His wife Virginia died a few hours later.
He majored in math at Brooklyn College and graduated in 1950.
He got his PhDThree…Bruce Schneier mentions .... And questions constitutionality ... Useful at the link.
Identifying People Using Cell Phone Location Data
The two people who shut down four Washington power stations in December were arrested. This …Seems odd, but can make sense, especially if you have to do many variants. And, of course they can be just starting points for editing in more complex details. Note mention of 'Digital Twins'.
Rapidly Generate 3D Assets for…We did some Critical Path Work in the Enterprise, so this was of Interest, but we did not include many latency aspects. Technical, but worth a look.
Distributed Latency Profiling through Critical Path Tracing By Brian…Happy New Year, everyone! I hope 2023 is off to a great start for you.
Are you excited to kick off the new year by learning more about search?
If so, you’re in luck! Hopefully one of these three upcoming CoRise classes will suit…McKinsey comments on this, with more at the link. I say we are about to get a big new flow of such products, and will have to quickly adapt.
Generative AI is here: How tools like ChatGPT could change your business
December 20…Retagging our Reality:
In Engadget:
By Mariella Moon|@mariella_moon|December 2, 2022 8:05 AM
Apple has internally changed the name of its upcoming mixed reality headset's accompanying software from "realityOS" to "xrOS," according…To live up to its mission of understanding the representational and computational capacities of the human mind, cognitive science needs to broaden the linguistic diversity represented in its participants and researchers.
The two people who shut down four Washington power stations in December were arrested. This is the interesting part:
Investigators identified Greenwood and Crahan almost immediately after the attacks took place by using cell …