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Communications of the ACM

Blogs Archive


The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.

April 2019

From The Eponymous Pickle

Consumers Breaking with Legacy Brands

Consumers Breaking with Legacy Brands

Still nostalgia equity is a powerful thing for many brands.

Nostalgia Is Not Enough: Why Consumers Abandon Legacy Brands
Mar 25, 2019 Strategic Management  North America

Earlier this month, Sears ended a nine-decade presence in


From The Eponymous Pickle

Comparison of Analytic Methods

Comparison of Analytic Methods

Becasue I often work with different kinds of practitioners, I often get questions like:  How is this different from statistical methods, from Operations Research .... ?  I was trained in earlier methods that often had the same…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Science and Technology links (April 13th 2019)

Science and Technology links (April 13th 2019)

There is little evidence that digital screens are harmful to teenager’s mental health. If there is an effect, it is small. Cotton bags must be reused thousands of times before they match the environmental performance of plastic…

From insideHPC

Job of the Week: Computational Scientist at UT Southwestern Medical Center

Job of the Week: Computational Scientist at UT Southwestern Medical Center

The UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas is seeking a Computational Scientist in our Job of the Week. "The Computational Scientist will support faculty and students in adapting computational strategies to the specific features…

From insideHPC

Podcast: Enterprises go HPC at GPU Technology Conference

Podcast: Enterprises go HPC at GPU Technology Conference

In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team looks at news from the GPU Technology Conference. "Dan has been attending GTC since well before it became the big and important conference that it is today. We get a quick update on what…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Robots Sorting Trash

Robots Sorting Trash

An excellent example of robot use.  Its a classic example of solving a messy problem that can change the economics of a difficult problem.  How well would it work?

MIT’s bot sifts through trash to do your recycling for you in …

From The Eponymous Pickle

Best Data Science Youtube Channels

Best Data Science Youtube Channels

Good resources, did  quick scan and there are some useful things there,  somewhat varied in quality,  but there are gems.

4 of the Best Data Science YouTube Channels in Medium
Go to the profile of #ODSC - Open Data Science


From The Eponymous Pickle

Natural Language and Intent with Ambiguity

Natural Language and Intent with Ambiguity

Good simple explanation from Tableau on Intent.   Have used the concept now in several projects, and of course there is ambiguity, beyond dictionary-definition,  in the use of many terms within a company.   The ambiguity in context…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Data vs Democracy?

Data vs Democracy?

Interesting view ...

Who needs democracy when you have data?

Here’s how China rules using data, AI, and internet surveillance.
by Christina Larson in Technology Review

"... In 1955, science fiction writer Isaac Asimov published a…

From The Eponymous Pickle

The Value of Inefficiency

The Value of Inefficiency

I like the general thought.     Pure efficiency can make us miss things.   Its why  had second thoughts about optimization methods,  they could rarely be implemented directly, and their methods where often   did not give you


From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Detecting Illegal Squid Fishing with Satellite Imagery

Friday Squid Blogging: Detecting Illegal Squid Fishing with Satellite Imagery

Interesting. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven't covered. Read my blog posting guidelines here....

From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Code 8.7: How We Can Advance Collaborative Problem Solving

Code 8.7: How We Can Advance Collaborative Problem Solving

The following blog is reposted from the Delta 8.7 website. You can view the original post here. Contributions by:  James Cockayne  | Project Director – Delta 8.7 Nadya Bliss  | Director, the Global Security Initiative at Arizona…

From The Eponymous Pickle

IOTA Zeus for Retail Payment

IOTA Zeus for Retail Payment

A somewhat unexpected application for the novel IOTA 'blockchain' approach.  Following.

Zeux App Enables Use of IOTA For Cryptocurrency Payments at Retail Stores
By Gabriel M

The crypto payments startup Zeux has recently affirmed…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Augmenting Quantum D-Wave Quantum Annealing

Augmenting Quantum D-Wave Quantum Annealing

Mentioned before we connected with D-Wave Quantum Computing early on.   Have posted many items about their work.    Their annealing approach still has great potential for some difficult kinds of combinatorial problems.  Note


From The Eponymous Pickle

Extended Reality is for Employees for Now

Extended Reality is for Employees for Now

Based on what we have seen form Microsoft and other players, VR and XR seem to be best for things the require a hands-free concept,  which accept he oddness of wearing some unusual and expensive head gear.   Do expect some exceptions…

From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Why are unrolled loops faster?

Why are unrolled loops faster?

A common optimization in software is to “unroll loops”. It is best explained with an example. Suppose that you want to compute the scalar product between two arrays: sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < length; i++) sum += x[i] * y[i]; An…

From Schneier on Security

Maliciously Tampering with Medical Imagery

Maliciously Tampering with Medical Imagery

In what I am sure is only a first in many similar demonstrations, researchers are able to add or remove cancer signs from CT scans. The results easily fool radiologists. I don't think the medical device industry has thought at…

From insideHPC

AMD Powers Corona Cluster for HPC Analytics at Livermore

AMD Powers Corona Cluster for HPC Analytics at Livermore

Lawrence Livermore National Lab has deployed a 170-node HPC cluster from Penguin Computing. Based on AMD EPYC processors and Radeon Instinct GPUs, the new Corona cluster will be used to support the NNSA Advanced Simulation and…

From insideHPC

Berkeley Engineers build World’s Fastest Optical Switch Arrays

Berkeley Engineers build World’s Fastest Optical Switch Arrays

Engineers at the University of California, Berkeley have built a new photonic switch that can control the direction of light passing through optical fibers faster and more efficiently than ever. This optical "traffic cop" could…

From insideHPC

Arm A64fx and Post-K: A Game-Changing CPU & Supercomputer

Arm A64fx and Post-K: A Game-Changing CPU & Supercomputer

Satoshi Matsuoka from RIKEN gave this talk at the HPC User Forum in Santa Fe. "Post-K is the flagship next generation national supercomputer being developed by Riken and Fujitsu in collaboration. Post-K will have hyperscale class…


Immigrants Help Solve the Looming STEM Worker Shortage

Immigrants Help Solve the Looming STEM Worker Shortage

Our economic vitality depends on them.

From insideHPC

GPUs Address Growing Data Needs for Finance & Insurance Sectors

GPUs Address Growing Data Needs for Finance & Insurance Sectors

GPUsA new whitepaper from Penguin Computing contends “a new era of supercomputing” has arrived — driven primarily by the emergence of graphics processing units or GPUs. The tools once specific to gaming are now being used by investment…

From Schneier on Security

New Version of Flame Malware Discovered

New Version of Flame Malware Discovered

Flame was discovered in 2012, linked to Stuxnet, and believed to be American in origin. It has recently been linked to more modern malware through new analysis tools that find linkages between different software. Seems that Flame…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Wal-Mart Buys Polymorph Labs

Wal-Mart Buys Polymorph Labs

Wal-Mart continues to push tech.  Now for online, digital targeted ads.

Walmart acquires adtech startup Polymorph Labs to scale up its ad business
By Sarah Perez   @sarahintampa 

Amazon has a large and growing advertising business…

From Computational Complexity

Elwyn Berlekamp Died April 9, 2019

Elwyn R. Berlekamp entered this world on Sept 6, 1940, and left it on April 9, 2019.  Wikipedia calls him An American Mathematician which seems to narrow to me. He worked on a variety of topics which were Math, Comp Sci, finance…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Inventory Robotics at Giant Eagle

Inventory Robotics at Giant Eagle

Note in particular the frequency of state and availability of merchandise.

Giant Eagle unveils plans for inventory robots

Giant Eagle has joined with Simbe Robotics to add the company's robot, Tally, to select stores in Pennsylvania…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Tools and Techniques of Infrastructure

Tools and Techniques of Infrastructure

Infrastructure is important,  the most important thing to really make things happen.  Without it you might be able to trip over some useful, intelligent conclusions,  but they are going to be very hard to find and implement in…

From The Eponymous Pickle

Predicting Patterns in Large Data Streams

Predicting Patterns in Large Data Streams

Its all about patterns in context, whether to gain insight, predict or prescribe.  So its analytics too.  But from my perspective,  AI occurs when we insert the analysis it into a useful process.  And 'intelligence' when it interacts…

From insideHPC

Video: HPC Networking in the Real World

Video: HPC Networking in the Real World

Jesse Martinez from Los Alamos National Laboratory gave this talk at the OpenFabrics Workshop in Austin. "High speed networking has become extremely important in the world of HPC. As parallel processing capabilities increases…

From insideHPC

Scaling Deep Learning for Scientific Workloads on the #1 Summit Supercomputer

Scaling Deep Learning for Scientific Workloads on the #1 Summit Supercomputer

In this video, Jack Wells from ORNL presents: Scaling Deep Learning for Scientific Workloads on Summit. HPC centers have been traditionally configured for simulation workloads, but deep learning has been increasingly applied …

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