The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Some great examples of data visualization in 2016. I like these, but whenever I look at viz I want to always think: Simplify. Unless the art drives towards either insight or a means for better interaction, why? Still, good…
Continue to look for practically oriented VR applications, here a video:
8i Is Trying To Bring Virtual Reality Out Of The Gaming World
In this AI Podcast, Bob Bond from Nvidia and Mike Senese from Make magazine discuss the Do It Yourself movement for Artificial Intelligence. "Deep learning isn't just for research scientists anymore. Hobbyists can use consumer…
Janice Coen from NCAR gave this Invited Talk at SC16. "The past two decades have seen the infusion of technology that has transformed the understanding, observation, and prediction of wildland fires and their behavior, as well…
Note quite so practically precise, but a a more general idea, A maintenance idea, in FastCompany:
Your Brain Has A "Delete" Button—Here's How To Use It
This is the fascinating way that your brain makes space to build new and stronger…
Like model theory, fiction deploys a theory and an interpretation. An interpretation that makes the statements of the theory true demonstrates consistency, in both realms. reports that squid are proliferating around the North Sea, and speculates that they will become an increasingly common British dinner. As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the…
Applying artificial intelligence to age prediction
Artificial intelligence is amazing. And even more so when it is applied to a problem in the real world. Insilico Medicine is doing just that. ... "
In this podcast, the Radio Free HPC team honors the Festivus tradition of the annual Airing of Grievances. Our random gripes include: the need for a better HPC benchmark suite, the missed opportunity for ARM servers, the skittish…
"The SAGE project, which incorporates research and innovation in hardware and enabling software, will significantly improve the performance of data I/O and enable computation and analysis to be performed more locally to data
Always interesting Michael Schrage makes some good points in the HBR. Thinking of examples of implementing this. We were always interested in improving, even optimizing process with analytics and data. We considered what he…
Thomas Sterling presented this Invited Talk at SC16. "Increasing sophistication of application program domains combined with expanding scale and complexity of HPC system structures is driving innovation in computing to address…
You have probably not noticed, the Pokeman Go phenomenon is off the news, but it is still here. IEEE Spectrum reports that the broad concept is still rumbling. And companies like Niantic and Magic Leap are showing us how to…
Largely nontechnical overview, rather than a review of Predix as a platform. . Prompted me to take another look. I was an early tester. GE is a big part of the Industrial Internet.
IoT Platform Review - Predix (GE)
Predix: The…
And other messaging tools. My own experience is that most people that are balancing multiple real time, multiple participant tasks use messaging tools. More are now also emerging. And AI bot style add-ons are also now being…
If you have spent any time at all on college-level mathematics, you have probably heard of the scalar product: float scalarproduct(float * array1, float * array2, size_t length) { float sum = 0.0f; for (size_t i = 0; i < length…
I started 2016 with a post called Computer Science Education Things to Watch in 2016. It's time to look back and write about what I think I saw over the year. My next post will be about what I will be looking at over 2017.
Very…New in Watson Analytics. Will take a closer look.
Four additional capabilities satisfy your appetite for more. You’ll be discovering insights like a champ in no time.
1. Watson Analytics for Social Media
The first of the four Watson…
Today Nor-Tech announced that it is now integrating the latest release of simulation platform Abaqus into its leading-edge HPC clusters. "We have been working with SIMULIA for many years," said Nor-Tech President and CEO David…
So what is a Watson Ad? Its more like an intelligent brand conversation. Like the idea, taking a closer look. Any experiences out there?
The Weather Company | With Watson
The Weather Company and Watson have teamed up to…
Saw some of this effect myself, got many questions about the Amazon Alexa device, and its comparison to the also heavily advertised Google Home, which I am also now testing.
Retailwire discusses. Asking if this is a win for
Shared experience may matter as much as scientific cooperation AIP source—see also interview Robert Marshak was on hand for Trinity, which was the first detonation of a nuclear weapon, ever. The test occurred at 5:29 am on July…
Over at KAUST News, Nicholas G. Demille writes that the Shaheen supercomputer has completed the world's first trillion cell reservoir simulation. A Saudi Aramco research team led by fellow Ali Dogru conducted the reservoir simulation…
In this Intel Chip Chat, Doug Fisher from Intel describes the company's efforts to accelerate innovation in artificial intelligence. "Fisher talks about Intel's upstream investments in academia and open source communities. He…
In Fastcompany, a forward look at smart home technologies in 2017. No details here, but worth a scan to understand the players and still considerable constraints.
Brought to my attention. Still trying to understand good example practical applications for virtual reality. The examples include the Schipol Flight Control example previously mentioned here.
Microsoft Hololens Apps reviews…
Interesting premise, to use simulation to produce training sets, a kind of gamification. We did something similar by simulating forward alternative choices in the supply chain.
Apple delivers on promise by publishing its first…
"The Materials Project is harnessing the power of supercomputing together with state-of-the-art quantum mechanical theory to compute the properties of all known inorganic materials and beyond, design novel materials and offer…
A massive geodesic dome with 61 glass eyes is coming to Arkansas' Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art.
Paper of the year goes to A Discrete and Bounded Envy-Free Cake Cutting Protocol for Any Number of Agents by Haris Aziz and Simon Mackenzie. Might not seem like a traditional complexity result but cake cutting is a computational…