The blog archive provides access to past blog postings from Communications of the ACM and other sources by date.
Using Wearable Tech to Detect COVID-19 before Onset of Symptoms
By McMaster University (Canada), July 27, 2022
Pairing wrist-worn health devices with machine learning, researchers in Canada and Europe were able to detect COVID…Interesting direction, cell computations.
A Secret Language of Cells? Cell Computations Uncovered
By King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, July 28, 2022
The researchers' model centers on how glial cells cooperateScientists…Mostly agreed, it is mostly about deception rather than intelligence. Rarely gives evidence for real reproducible intelligence for broad context.
It's Time for AI to Retire the Turing Test
By Fortune, June 15, 2022…Space I worked in for years, a brief intro in the BBC
The tech helping to bring you your morning coffee, By Luana Ferreira
Business reporter, BrazilFor an estimated one billion people around the world drinking coffee is a daily…Conferences can renew our professional commitment and inspire thought on problems we face.
Looking to see a good example.
Meta’s AI Takes an Unsupervised Step Forward In the quest for human-level intelligent AI, Meta is betting on self-supervised learning By ELIZA STRICKLAND
Meta’s chief AI scientist, Yann LeCun…Juris Hartmanis, one of the founders of Complexity Theory, passed away on July 29 at the age of 94. The Gödel's Last Letter blog has an obit posted here. When other bloggers post obits I will update this paragraph to pointHere…
Considerable issue as Neurotech advances, Some good examples below and at link. Including implants for non medical reasons?
Neurotechnology and the Law By Esther Shein
Communications of the ACM, August 2022, Vol. 65 No. 8,…Examples for upcoming soccer World Cup
World Cup to Use Drones to Help Protect Stadiums
By BBC News, July 26, 2022
A drone interceptor captures a fixed wing drone in mid-air.
This year's World Cup soccer tournament in Qatar willFortem…A sure foundation for Computational Complexity source—wonderful 2015 CACM interview Juris Hartmanis passed away this morning. He was a professor in Cornell’s computer science department since 1965. He won the 1993 Turing Award…
Too weird, wouldn't it be directly caught doing this?
0-days sold by Austrian firm used to hack Windows users, Microsoft says
Windows and Adobe Reader exploits said to target orgs in Europe and Central America.
DAN GOODIN in ArsTechnica…Brought to my attention:
Martech and Digital Experience Management: The New Frontier, by John Schneider
Martech is experiencing unprecedented growth. In just the last decade, it grew 5,233%. Over the next few years, global spending…A favorite topic, like any method that provides a good set of solutions can be useful.
Artificial Creativity? By O'Reilly, July 28, 2022
Image:Artist's palette features oil paints and is held by a robot.
Works of art really…The Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF) will hold a virtual AI testbed training event Aug. 9-10 that will introduce users to the Cerebras hardware and software stack. It will provide hands-on training to get started
Often considered, we did in building early interactions with consumers.
Crossing the Uncanny Valley, By Logan Kugler
Communications of the ACM, August 2022, Vol. 65 No. 8, Pages 14-15 10.1145/3542817
In 1970, robotics expert…Will this open the door to new augmented reality AR?
Google Starts Real-World Testing for Augmented Reality Glasses That May Employ North Focals Tech
ERIC HAL SCHWARTZ on July 21, 2022 at 7:00 am in
Google will start…Oak Ridge, TN — Rafael Ferreira da Silva, a senior research scientist in the Data Lifecycle and Scalable Workflows group at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), has been elevated to the grade of senior member of the Institute…
AUSTIN – July 28, 2022 – GRC (Green Revolution Cooling), maker of single-phase data center liquid immersion cooling, announced today the lineup of participants for the second annual Liquid Immersion Cooling Awareness Month in…
Humans can be taught, carefully. dealt with lots of these.
Robots Learn Household Tasks by Watching Humans
Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science
Aaron Aupperle, July 20, 2022
Carnegie Mellon University's Shikhar…Seems obvious, what are the most useful details? Google has been on this for some time.
Increasing Sales via AI Product Discovery
July 28, 2022, Supply ChainBrain
Roland Goassage, SCB Contributor
The pandemic has had long-lasting…Learning about Jacdac devices was my incentive to buy a Micro:Bit 2.0 The Micro:Bit 2.0 has a number of upgrades and new features from the original. These include a microphone and a speaker among others. That is probably justification…
New Digital Biology Advances with Deepmind
DeepMind found the structure of nearly every protein known to science
They’ll all be freely available
By Nicole Wetsman Jul 28, 2022,
DeepMind is releasing a free expanded database with…Emphasizing personal experience, working with Mercedes.
Fraunhofer IDMT’s audio software enables an individual listening experience
News / July 07, 2022 by Frauhofer
Everyone hears differently – this applies inside a vehicle too…Working at the edge of accessibility is very instructive.
For Blind Internet Users, the Fix Can Be Worse Than the Flaws
Amanda Morris, July 18, 2022
Many people with disabilities say automated accessibility…Considering a major rework of smarthome.
How The Migration From Cloud to Edge Powers Tomorrow’s Smart Homes
Carsten Gregeren in Datanami
The edge is here to stay. The next generation of data processing is growing from strength…Clever Biomimicry Example. Necrobiotic use of forms,
Necrobotics: Dead Spiders Reincarnated as Robot Grippers That microhydraulic gripper you’ve always wanted, thanks to an ex-spider By EVAN ACKERMAN
Bugs have long taunted…Another kind of privacy invasion?
Cornell University researchers have developed EarIO, a wearable earphone device (earable) that can reconstruct the wearer's face using sonar.
Earable sends facial movements to a smartphone.
AA…Modeling your Defense with Chaos.
By David Geer, July 26, 2022
Cyberattacks bring turbulence and disruption, leaving unpredictable and chaotic system failures in their wake. Organizations using cybersecurity…Because HPC is barrier-pushing technology it’s understandable that HPC marketers often focus on speeds-and-feeds. But Mike Bernhardt, one of the most recognized names in supercomputing strategic marketing and communications,
A reader (Richard Ebeling) invited me to revisit an older blog post: Parsing floats in C++: benchmarking strtod vs. from_chars. Back then I reported that switching from strtod to from_chars in C++ to parse numbers could leadContinue…