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I didn’t put that there – it must have been added as part of publishing the post on Startup Grind.
From The Noisy Channel

I didn’t put that there – it must have been added as part of publishing the post on Startup Grind.

Regardless, I just removed it. Continue reading on »

Summarization and Refinement Tags in Folksonomies
From The Noisy Channel

Summarization and Refinement Tags in Folksonomies

This paper, which I co-authored with Joyce Wang and Vladimir Zelevinsky when we were all at Endeca, originally appeared in the proceedings… Continue reading on...

Thanks, but I can’t take credit for that — and I don’t recall seeing it when I published the post.
From The Noisy Channel

Thanks, but I can’t take credit for that — and I don’t recall seeing it when I published the post.

Perhaps it was added by the Startup Grind publication. Continue reading on »

It’s certainly not the way an advisory role should work, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a…
From The Noisy Channel

It’s certainly not the way an advisory role should work, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a…

So I agree that it’s a flag, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call it a red flag. Continue reading on »

No. I believed that they brought me on as an advisor so I could help them solve their problem.
From The Noisy Channel

No. I believed that they brought me on as an advisor so I could help them solve their problem.

And I spent a bunch of time with their team. It was only later that they started dropping my name to VCs — in fact, after May when I’d… Continue reading on »

I may have been burned, but I’m not willing to let this experience make me that cynical.
From The Noisy Channel

I may have been burned, but I’m not willing to let this experience make me that cynical.

I still basically trust people, and I’d like to keep it that way. But now I understand more than before why other people are less trusting. Continue reading on...

Melinda, you’re right: it should not have taken an experience like this to teach me to be more…
From The Noisy Channel

Melinda, you’re right: it should not have taken an experience like this to teach me to be more…

careful. That said, I met the company through someone I trust, and I did spend some time with the team before becoming an advisor.Continue reading on »

Lesson Learned
From The Noisy Channel

Lesson Learned

This morning, I woke up to find out that a job-matching company I’d been advising, WrkRiot (formerly known as and apparently also…Continue reading on...

Searching for Goldilocks
From The Noisy Channel

Searching for Goldilocks

Many search queries don’t have a single right answer or even an objective best answer. For example, if you’re looking for mailboxes or…Continue reading on »

Enterprise Intelligence: Putting the Pieces Together
From The Noisy Channel

Enterprise Intelligence: Putting the Pieces Together

Today I had the honor to keynote the Workshop on Enterprise Intelligence, held in conjunction with the 22nd ACM SIGKDD Conference on…Continue reading on Medium...

FizzBuzz Recipe
From The Noisy Channel

FizzBuzz Recipe

For a while I’ve been determined to make a cocktail called a FizzBuzz. Beyond being tasty, it needed to have enough fizz and buzz to merit…Continue reading on Medium...

Punch Hard
From The Noisy Channel

Punch Hard

If you’ve read my posts on reducing scope and incremental product development, you may have concluded that I’m conservative about the…Continue reading on Medium...

Gireesh, thanks for the response.
From The Noisy Channel

Gireesh, thanks for the response.

Given the interest in this post, I’ll try to follow it up with further thoughts about scoping and prioritization.Continue reading on Medium »

Reduce Scope
From The Noisy Channel

Reduce Scope

When I left the cocoon of academia nearly two decades ago to become a software engineer, I quickly learned two lessons.Continue reading on Medium »

Query Understanding: A Manifesto
From The Noisy Channel

Query Understanding: A Manifesto

Query understanding has been my obsession for years. But my recent work at Etsy and Pinterest has sharpened my thinking on the topic.Continue reading on Medium...

MSFT Acquires LNKD: Raw Thoughts
From The Noisy Channel

MSFT Acquires LNKD: Raw Thoughts

Like everyone else in Silicon Valley, I woke up this morning to the news that Microsoft is acquiring LinkedIn, my former employer, for $26B…Continue reading on...

Mark, I did try migrating The Noisy Channel to Medium as a publication following these instructions…
From The Noisy Channel

Mark, I did try migrating The Noisy Channel to Medium as a publication following these instructions…

I didn’t mind creating a publication — in fact, I saw that as a plus, since much my Noisy Channel material is a bit different from the…Continue reading on Medium...

False positives suck, of course.
From The Noisy Channel

False positives suck, of course.

If you ignore the bigrams, then most of your results are irrelevant. Boost bigram matches a little bit? Then you still have a lot of…Continue reading on Medium...

Let Bigrams be Bigrams
From The Noisy Channel

Let Bigrams be Bigrams

I’ve spent most of my career advocating for the use of query understanding to improve search relevance. It’s not that I don’t value search…Continue reading on Medium...

Thinking about a Career in AI?
From The Noisy Channel

Thinking about a Career in AI?

A few years ago, hardly anyone in the computer science profession would admit to working on “artificial intelligence”. Not unless they had…Continue reading on Medium...
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