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From Computational Complexity

It's Time to Stop Using Grades

We use grades to evaluate students and motivate them to learn. That works as long as grades remain a reasonably good measure of how well the student understands...

From Computational Complexity

Favorite Theorems: The Complete List

Now in one place all of my sixty favorite theorems from the six decades of computational complexity (1965-2024).2015-2024 Graph Isomorphism (Babai) Sensitivity...

From Computational Complexity

We Will All Write Like AI

Will our writing all converge to a generic AI style? Let's take a quick detour into LaTeX. Back in the late '80s, before LaTeX was the standard, there was TeX—a...

From Computational Complexity

Favorite Theorems: Learning from Natural Proofs

October EditionI had a tough choice for my final favorite theorem from the decade 2015-2024. Runners up include Pseudodeterministic Primes and Hardness of Partial...
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