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Communications of the ACM



From Computational Complexity

Computer Science Takes Over

We live in our own research areas. I focus on computational complexity and marvel at what our field has accomplished over my over 25 years in the field as wellseries...

From Computational Complexity

STOC 1989

A student at Northwestern gave a presentation about a STOC 1989 paper. I've been to well over a hundred conferences and the memories of many just merge into each...

From Computational Complexity

Les Valiant wins the Turing Award

In a definite case of when not if, Leslie Valiant will receive the 2010 ACM Turing Award, the highest honor in all of computer science. Valiant has done incredible...

From Computational Complexity

Greetings from Porto

Today we just finished the thesis defense of Andre Souto at University of Porto. Good News: He passed the defense so now we call him Dr. Souto. Better news: By...

From Computational Complexity

What I Tweeted

Various thoughts not restricted to 140 characters. Congrats to Mihalis Yannakakis for his election into the National Academy of Engineering as well as new Sloan...

From Computational Complexity

Can we Innovate without Producing?

On Friday I heard a speaker lament about how losing the manufacturing base in the US: "You can move a foundry easier than you can move an Internet company." An ...

From Computational Complexity

The Theory Postdoc Culture

FOCS Call for Papers posted. Deadline April 13. The CRA organized a committee that put together on a white paper on whether postdocs are healthy for Computer Science...

From Computational Complexity

The Ideal Conference

I found the perfect CS conference. A meeting where computer scientists from all its subdisciplines come together. Not with the purpose of presenting their current...

From Computational Complexity

Why My Kids Trust Wikipedia

Guest post from Annie and Molly Fortnow Our teachers used to tell us not to use Wikipedia because anybody can edit it and therefore it isn't trustworthy. A couple...

From Computational Complexity

Coloring Maps

The four color theorem means you can color the United States in four colors. But can you color it in three? Try it before you read on. The answer is no. Consider...

From Computational Complexity

The Enduring Legacy of the Turing Machine

Last Februrary Peter Wegner asked if I would be interested in writing an article for a series in ACM Ubiquity on "What is Computation?" Our expanding collaboration...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity Year in Review 2010

Complexity Theorem of the year goes to Ryan Williams for his exciting separation of NEXP from ACC0, just one of many exciting papers this year. The runner up is...

From Computational Complexity

America's Most Important Algorithm

Yesterday the Census Bureau announced the new apportionment of the 435 representatives to states based on the 2010 census. Illinois lost one representative. Texas...

From Computational Complexity

Do Uniform Lower Bounds Matter?

From Ryan Willams' paper: Non-uniform lower bounds establish impossibility results for computation in the physical world: it could be that P ? NP, yet NP-complete...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity as Friction

What advantages can we get from computational hardness? Cryptography and pseudo-random number generators come to mind. But perhaps the universe made computation...

From Computational Complexity

Game Theory, Terrorism, Hardness and SAT Solving

Last week I attended the Army Research Office sponsored Workshop on Reasoning in Adversarial and Noncooperative Environments related to Topic #22 of the 2011MURI...

From Computational Complexity

Is Ryan's Theorem Only Interesting to Complexity Theorists?

Last week, the complexity theory bloggers Dick, Scott, Luca and myself all heaped praise on Ryan Williams' new circuit lower bound, NEXP not in ACC0. Outside the...

From Computational Complexity

Dr. Scott Goes to Washington

Fellow blogger Scott Aaronson was chosen as one of 19 NSF PECASE awardees and wins a trip to the White House. Congrats to Scott! He received the award "for pushing...

From Computational Complexity

A Breakthrough Circuit Lower Bound

On October 8th, when in my graduate complexity course as we discussed the 1987 Razborov-Smolensky result that one can't compute the Modp by constant-depth polynomial...

From Computational Complexity

The FOCS Experience

You can now watch videos of the recent FOCS talks online. Glencora, who I had the pleasure of meeting at the conference, has her favorites. If you watch any, check...
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