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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectInformation Systems
authorMichael Mitzenmacher

A Boy and His Atom
From My Biased Coin

A Boy and His Atom

Some researchers at IBM are so good at playing with atoms, they decided to make a movie (called A Boy and His Atom), by moving atoms.  Cool stuff.  Computer science...

Some Recent Books
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Some Recent Books

If you've been reading the other computer science blogs, you know that there are some new books out. First is the Golden Ticket, by Lance Fortnow, about the P vs...

Thanks for the Memories....
From My Biased Coin

Thanks for the Memories....

I'm off to a meeting next week, so today was my last day of class for Computer Science 124 (Algorithms and Data Structures) for the semester.  For two reasons,...

Guest Post by Mark Bun and Justin Thaler
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Guest Post by Mark Bun and Justin Thaler

p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } Michael asked me and Mark to write a post on our paper "Dual...

Congratulations to Mark Bun and Justin Thaler
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Congratulations to Mark Bun and Justin Thaler

Luca Aceto reported the paper awards for ICALP 2013.  But I find it necessary to give a special shout-out to Harvard Ph.D. students Mark Bun and Justin Thaler,Dual...

Guest Post by Mikkel Thorup : Results vs. Techniques
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Guest Post by Mikkel Thorup : Results vs. Techniques

[Mikkel Thorup graciously has offered a guest blog post, discussing what he looks for in conference papers, and possible implications for refereeing.] Results versus...

Upcoming Events
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Upcoming Events

I've been asked to post for some upcoming events. The Simons Institute will have a multi-day symposium on Visions of the Theory of Computing May 29-31, just before...

Harvard E-Mail, Again
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Harvard E-Mail, Again

Yesterday was the long-awaited faculty meeting after the news that Harvard had examined the e-mail (metadata) of the Resident Deans looking for a leak of what was...

Harvard in the NCAA Tournament
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Harvard in the NCAA Tournament

Thank goodness it's Harvard's vacation week.Otherwise, the rioting would have been unbearable. 

Cambridge Area Economics and Computation Day 2013
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Cambridge Area Economics and Computation Day 2013

I was asked to advertise the upcoming Second Cambridge Area Economics and Computation Day (CAEC'13);information is available at's...

Update:  Andrew Auernheimer Watch
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Update: Andrew Auernheimer Watch

Well, this is going to give me nightmares for a while. TechNewsWorld:"Andrew Auernheimer, a hacker known as "Weev," was sentenced Monday to 41 months in prison...

But I Haven't Thought of You Lately At All....
From My Biased Coin

But I Haven't Thought of You Lately At All....

I realize the times they-are-a-changing, and so maybe I shouldn't find this unusual, but...Kristen Bell and Rob Thomas put up a Kickstarter campaign to raise 2Done...

Turing Award : Goldwasser and Micali
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Turing Award : Goldwasser and Micali

Got in the office this morning and heard about the latest Turing Award:  Congrats to Shafi Goldwasser and Silvio Micali!  (Press release.) 

A Second Life for our Groupon Paper
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A Second Life for our Groupon Paper

Groupon has been in the news lately -- something about their CEO leaving, I hear.  And Giorgos Zervas has been out giving talks.  (He's a great speaker.  You should...

The Press
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The Press

Harvard's name, obviously, still sells newspapers.  The "e-mailgate" scandal of the past few days has been appearing everywhere.  I was contacted multiple times...

Mike Smith Explains, Apologizes
From My Biased Coin

Mike Smith Explains, Apologizes

Given the hubbub that arose this weekend over the issue of Harvard examining the e-mail of some of the Resident Deans, it's gratifying (if unsurprising) that this...

Harvard Spies on E-mails
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Harvard Spies on E-mails

A strange offshoot of the Harvard cheating scandal -- a report in the Boston Globe that Harvard administrators decided it was OK to search through Resident Dean...

Rankings Don't Matter (But)
From My Biased Coin

Rankings Don't Matter (But)

Back when I started at Harvard, people would literally say things to me like, "I didn't know Harvard had computer science." Now I could just point such people here...

Discussing STOC 2013 PC with Joan Feigenbaum
From My Biased Coin

Discussing STOC 2013 PC with Joan Feigenbaum

Joan Feigenbaum is the Program Committee Chair for STOC 2013, where papers decisions were recently announced;  I served as part of the Executive Committee.  Joan...

ICALP formatting
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ICALP formatting

Given the loud outcry regarding the STOC 2013 formatting, which gave you 10 double-column pages to work with (at the cost of, you know, having to turn your paper...
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