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Friday Squid Blogging: <i>Kid vs. Squid</i>
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Kid vs. Squid

A book. Also, read this.

The Four Stages of Fear
From Schneier on Security

The Four Stages of Fear

Interesting: In the throes of intense fear, we suddenly find ourselves operating in a different and unexpected way. The psychological tools that we normally use...

World War II Sabotage Field Manual
From Schneier on Security

World War II Sabotage Field Manual

The OSS Simple Sabotage Field Manual from 1944.

Intelligence Can Never Be Perfect
From Schneier on Security

Intelligence Can Never Be Perfect

Go read this article -- "Setting impossible standards on intelligence" -- on laying blame for the intelligence "failure" that allowed the Underwear Bomber to board...

Voluntary Security Inspections
From Schneier on Security

Voluntary Security Inspections

What could possibly be the point of this? Cars heading to Austin-Bergstrom International Airport will see random, voluntary inspections Monday. The searches are...

Terrorizing Ourselves
From Schneier on Security

Terrorizing Ourselves

Who needs actual terrorists? How

Canada Spending $1B on Security for G8/G20 Summit in June
From Schneier on Security

Canada Spending $1B on Security for G8/G20 Summit in June

Amazing: The Canadian government disclosed Tuesday that the total price tag to police the elite Group of Eight meeting in Muskoka, as well as the bigger-tent Group...

Friday Squid Blogging: 500-Million-Year-Old Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: 500-Million-Year-Old Squid

Early squid: New Canadian research into 500 million-year-old carnivore fossils has revealed an early ancestor of modern-day squids and octopuses, solving the mystery...

Friday Squid Blogging: The Contents of Squid Stomachs
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: The Contents of Squid Stomachs

Not that interesting, really. Preliminarily, I can tell you that within my sample, cannibalism seems to be on the rise, myctophid consumption is falling, and a...

Another Scene from an Airport
From Schneier on Security

Another Scene from an Airport

I've gotten to the front of the security line at a different airport, and handed a different TSA officer my ID and ticket. TSA Officer: (Looks everything over....

Low-Tech Burglars to Get Lighter Sentences in Louisiana
From Schneier on Security

Low-Tech Burglars to Get Lighter Sentences in Louisiana

This is the kind of law that annoys me: A Senate bill to toughen penalties for crimes committed with the aid of Internet-generated "virtual maps," including acts...

End-to-End Encrypted Cell Phone Calls
From Schneier on Security

End-to-End Encrypted Cell Phone Calls

Android app. (Slashdot thread.)

If You See Something, Think Twice About Saying Something
From Schneier on Security

If You See Something, Think Twice About Saying Something

"If you see something, say something." Or, maybe not: The Travis County Criminal Justice Center was closed for most of the day on Friday, May 14, after a maneven...

Infosec Television Commercial
From Schneier on Security

Infosec Television Commercial

LIGATT Security certainly hopes to scare people.

Scene from an Airport
From Schneier on Security

Scene from an Airport

I've gotten to the front of the security line and handed the TSA officer my ID and ticket. TSA Officer: (Looks at my ticket. Looks at my ID. Looks at me. Smiles...

Alerting Users that Applications are Using Cameras, Microphones, Etc.
From Schneier on Security

Alerting Users that Applications are Using Cameras, Microphones, Etc.

Interesting research: "What You See is What They Get: Protecting users from unwanted use of microphones, cameras, and other sensors," by Jon Howell and Stuart Schechter...

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Desktop
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Squid Desktop


Applications Disclosing Required Authority
From Schneier on Security

Applications Disclosing Required Authority

This is an interesting piece of research evaluating different user interface designs by which applications disclose to users what sort of authority they need to...

Automobile Security Analysis
From Schneier on Security

Automobile Security Analysis

"Experimental Security Analysis of a Modern Automobile," by a whole mess of authors: Abstract: Modern automobiles are no longer mere mechanical devices; they are...

Detecting Browser History
From Schneier on Security

Detecting Browser History

Interesting research. Main results: [...] We analyzed the results from over a quarter of a million people who ran our tests in the last few months, and found...
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