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Identifying People by their Bacteria
From Schneier on Security

Identifying People by their Bacteria

A potential new forensic: To determine how similar a person's fingertip bacteria are to bacteria left on computer keys, the team took swabs from three computer...

Friday Squid Blogging: Sexing Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Sexing Squid

Tips and tricks.

Schneier Blogging Template
From Schneier on Security

Schneier Blogging Template

Eerily accurate: Catchy one-liner ("interesting," with link): In this part of the blog post, Bruce quotes something from the article he links to in the catchy...

Hard Drives in Photocopy Machines
From Schneier on Security

Hard Drives in Photocopy Machines

Modern photocopy machines contain hard drives that often have scans of old documents. This matters when an office disposes of an old copier. It also matters if...

Side-Channel Attacks on Encrypted Web Traffic
From Schneier on Security

Side-Channel Attacks on Encrypted Web Traffic

Nice paper: "Side-Channel Leaks in Web Applications: a Reality Today, a Challenge Tomorrow," by Shuo Chen, Rui Wang, XiaoFeng Wang, and Kehuan Zhang. Abstract.explains...

I'll be in Second Life Tonight
From Schneier on Security

I'll be in Second Life Tonight

James Fallows and I are being interviewed in Second Life tonight, 9:00 PM Eastern Time.

How to Become a Nuclear Power
From Schneier on Security

How to Become a Nuclear Power

Sarcastic, yet a bit too close to the truth.

Natural Language Shellcode
From Schneier on Security

Natural Language Shellcode

Nice: In this paper we revisit the assumption that shellcode need be fundamentally different in structure than non-executable data. Specifically, we elucidate...

Acrobatic Thieves
From Schneier on Security

Acrobatic Thieves

Some movie-plot attacks actually happen: They never touched the floor

Dead on the No-Fly List
From Schneier on Security

Dead on the No-Fly List

Such "logic": If a person on the no-fly list dies, his name could stay on the list so that the government can catch anyone trying to assume his identity. Butanyone's...

New Book: <i>Cryptography Engineering</i>
From Schneier on Security

New Book: Cryptography Engineering

I have a new book, sort of. Cryptography Engineering is really the second edition of Practical Cryptography. Niels Ferguson and I wrote Practical Cryptography...

Electronic Health Record Security Analysis
From Schneier on Security

Electronic Health Record Security Analysis

In British Columbia: When Auditor-General John Doyle and his staff investigated the security of electronic record-keeping at the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority...

Back Door in Battery Charger
From Schneier on Security

Back Door in Battery Charger

Amazing: The United States Computer Emergency Response Team (US-CERT) has warned that the software included in the Energizer DUO USB battery charger contains a...

PDF the Most Common Malware Vector
From Schneier on Security

PDF the Most Common Malware Vector

MS Word has been dethroned: Files based on Reader were exploited in almost 49 per cent of the targeted attacks of 2009, compared with about 39 per cent that took...

Even More on the al-Mabhouh Assassination
From Schneier on Security

Even More on the al-Mabhouh Assassination

This, from a former CIA chief of station: The point is that in this day and time, with ubiquitous surveillance cameras, the ability to comprehensively analysearticle...

Friday Squid Blogging: Preserving Your Giant Squid
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: Preserving Your Giant Squid

Plastination: For several years von Hagens and his team experimented using smaller squid, and found that the fragility of the skin needed a slower replacement...

Bringing Lots of Liquids on a Plane at Schiphol
From Schneier on Security

Bringing Lots of Liquids on a Plane at Schiphol

This would worry me, if the liquid ban weren't already useless. The reporter found the security flaw in the airport's duty-free shopping system. At Schiphol airport...

Security Trade-Offs and Sacred Values
From Schneier on Security

Security Trade-Offs and Sacred Values

Interesting research: Psychologist Jeremy Ginges and his colleagues identified this backfire effect in studies of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in 2007. They...

Disabling Cars by Remote Control
From Schneier on Security

Disabling Cars by Remote Control

Who didn't see this coming? More than 100 drivers in Austin, Texas found their cars disabled or the horns honking out of control, after an intruder ran amok in...

Casino Hack
From Schneier on Security

Casino Hack

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