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Communications of the ACM



From Putting People First


The Nordic Innovation Centre just published a report on the role of user-driven innovation in the growing Nordic sports equipment industry. Not only on how users...

Yahoo looks to improve search experience
From Putting People First

Yahoo looks to improve search experience

The Mercury News reports on how Yahoo believes it can build its search audience by focusing on the user “experience,” rather than viewing search as a raw data query...

New Google Sketchup
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Google Sketchup

New Sketchup version includes a number of useful changes. Remarkable package used briefly for a project.

Five Trends in BI
From The Eponymous Pickle

Five Trends in BI

Good overview piece:Five Trends Changing the Face of BI Predictive analytics, agile development, user-centric business intelligence and improvements in visualization...

A Stick Figure Guide to AES
From Schneier on Security

A Stick Figure Guide to AES


Friday Squid Blogging: 20-Foot Squid Caught in the Gulf of Mexico
From Schneier on Security

Friday Squid Blogging: 20-Foot Squid Caught in the Gulf of Mexico

First one sighted in the Gulf since 1954: The new specimen, weighing 103 pounds, was found during a preliminary survey of the Gulf during which scientists hope...

From Computational Complexity

Inspiring a Love of Math

A reader writes I come to you by way of your computational complexity blog. I get that there is some really good stuff there, but frankly don’t understand about...

Inducing Innovation with Prizes
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Inducing Innovation with Prizes

The awarding of the $1 million Netflix Prize this week reopens an interesting bigger question:

Aggregating the Conversation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Aggregating the Conversation

Godin's Squidoo 'Brands in Public' aims to aggregate the conversation, then you pay for some control. Examining. Site here:' ... Brands in Public is a collection...

links for 2009-09-25
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-09-25

UK government ignoring own rules on open source With Tom Watson gone and his former staff apparently reassigned, this comes asGovernment...

links for 2009-09-25
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-09-25

UK government ignoring own rules on open source With Tom Watson gone and his former staff apparently reassigned, this comes asGovernment...

Free Chapter on Faceted Search User Interface Design
From The Noisy Channel

Free Chapter on Faceted Search User Interface Design

Max Mara launches new website, designed by Experientia
From Putting People First

Max Mara launches new website, designed by Experientia

Unfortunately we cannot talk about most of the work we do at Experientia unless the final product gets launched. But there are these nice moments when we can. Although...

Texas Instruments Signing Keys Broken
From Schneier on Security

Texas Instruments Signing Keys Broken

Texas Instruments' calculators use RSA digital signatures to authenticate any updates to their operating system. Unfortunately, their signing keys are too short...

A Look at Clario Analytics as a Service
From The Eponymous Pickle

A Look at Clario Analytics as a Service

As part of a larger BI package exploration I took a look at Clario Analytics SaaS (Software as a service). You start by uploading your data via a secure FTP client...

More Personal Mobility
From The Eponymous Pickle

More Personal Mobility

Honda has a Segway-like, unicycle form personal mobility device called the U-3X in the works that is more remarkable looking than the Segway. No specific dates...

FCC Will Tackle Net Neutrality
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

FCC Will Tackle Net Neutrality

Earlier this week Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski announced his intention to establish an expanded definition of net neutrality to...

The most important Theoretical Computer Science problem is inconsequential
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

The most important Theoretical Computer Science problem is inconsequential

Some consider the P = NP problem to be the most important Theoretical Computer Science problem. It asks whether all problems whose solution can be verified quickly...

<i>The Onion</i> on Security
From Schneier on Security

The Onion on Security

"Authorities Called in to Examine Suspicious-Looking Ham."

From Computational Complexity

My two cents on P vs NP

There have been several posts on blogs about P vs NP and two expository articles. Is there anything else to add. I'm not sure, but here are my 2 cents. QUESTION...
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