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Communications of the ACM



Privacy requires security, not abstinence
From Putting People First

Privacy requires security, not abstinence

In a long essay on Technology Review, Simson Garfinkel reflects on what protecting an inalienable right might mean in the age of Facebook. “Privacy matters. Data...

The rating game
From Putting People First

The rating game

The spread of Internet rankings and reviews is freeing consumers to focus on the decisions that matter, writes Kevin Maney in the current issue of The Atlantic...

Introduction to service design
From Putting People First

Introduction to service design

Culminatum Ltd – Helsinki Region Centre of Expertise has published a great online tool, entitled Introduction to service design. “The purpose of this digital communications...

Rural India
From Putting People First

Rural India

The Wall Street Journal and India Knowledge@Wharton present a unique mix of reporting, analysis, interviews and video on life and business in rural India. The Rural...

Personas, devices, enterprises and diaries to illustrate life in 2020
From Putting People First

Personas, devices, enterprises and diaries to illustrate life in 2020

Wired UK reports on a new foresight project by Ericsson: Ericsson, the company that, with Sony, gave birth to Sony Ericsson in 2001, has unveiled its Life in 2020...

Losing Our Ability to Think Critically
From The Eponymous Pickle

Losing Our Ability to Think Critically

From the Communications of the ACM: Are We Losing Our Ability to Think Critically?Computer technology has enhanced lives in countless ways, but some experts believe...

Brick and Mortar
From The Eponymous Pickle

Brick and Mortar

I have been involved with the understanding of brick and mortar stores, and the utilization of online commerce. Now a way to design a brick wall of the future...

After Netflix? What next?
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

After Netflix? What next?

The Netflix competition is nearly concluded.

Walmart Twitter Use
From The Eponymous Pickle

Walmart Twitter Use

Dave Knox points out that Walmart does a good job organizing all their Twitter accounts in one place. It is here. I agree, most corporate examples are very haphazard...

Google on designing useful mobile services for Africa
From Putting People First

Google on designing useful mobile services for Africa

Last week Google announced a suite of SMS services in Uganda. In a follow-up post on the main google blog, the company explains that it is the result of more than...

Supportive relationships are key to tackling social ills
From Putting People First

Supportive relationships are key to tackling social ills

The [British] government’s new public services reforms focus on rights and entitlements, but, argues Charles Leadbeater in this piece for The Guardian, supportive...

links for 2009-07-09
From Wild WebMink

links for 2009-07-09

Woot : 11 Undocumented Features Of Google Chrome OS Woot has made these lists into an art-form and this one is a classic. (tags: Google Woot...

The Generation M Manifesto
From Putting People First

The Generation M Manifesto

Umair Haque has a message for the G8: “Dear Old People Who Run the World, My generation would like to break up with you. Everyday, I see a widening gap in how you...

Book: Social by Social
From Putting People First

Book: Social by Social

Social by Social – a practical guide to using new technologies to deliver social impact by Andy Gibson, Nigel Courtney, Amy Sample Ward, David Wilcox and Professor...

Service design tools
From Putting People First

Service design tools

“Service design tools – communication methods supporting design processes” is an open collection of communication tools used in design processes that deal with...

Civic apps could redefine the way citizens interact with cities
From Putting People First

Civic apps could redefine the way citizens interact with cities

Will smartphone connectivity become the new measure of civic engagement? Can the app replace the neighborhood association? “While some might feel that engaging...

Why designers need to focus on focus groups
From Putting People First

Why designers need to focus on focus groups

Today, market research is a $19 billion industry and focus groups are one of the most expensive types of market research. The question is, asks Ravi Sawhney, founder...

Getting to Wow in Retail
From The Eponymous Pickle

Getting to Wow in Retail

From Knowledge@Wharton: Getting to 'Wow': Consumers Describe What Makes a Great Shopping Experience: The complete report by the retail council. Below an overview...

Coke Machine Gets Networked and Analytical
From The Eponymous Pickle

Coke Machine Gets Networked and Analytical

This article includes some technical details about how Coke is using RFID and real time networked analytics in its new dispensing machine. The system will allow...

Crowdsourced Simulation
From The Eponymous Pickle

Crowdsourced Simulation

Had a most interesting conversation with Ken Karakotios. He demonstrated some of his prototype economic simulation models. He is looking for collaborators and...
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