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"Because our copyrights are worth more than your human rights"
From Wild WebMink

"Because our copyrights are worth more than your human rights"

Monday is the last day of the internet blackout campaign organised and in support of it I have blacked out my avatars on Twitter and Facebook as well as on this...

From insideHPC


Computer Technology Review published its list of the top 5 trends it expects in HPC throughout 2009. Here is the (abbreviated) list HPC is becoming more mainstream...

Thinking About Computational Thinking
From CSDiary

Thinking About Computational Thinking

What is “computational thinking”? I think I first heard Jeannette Wing use the term back around the time that the Internet bubble burst, and of course we’ve become...

Feldman revisits the memory wall, takes family
From insideHPC

Feldman revisits the memory wall, takes family

Last week HPCwire’s editor Michael Feldman commented on the memory wall, and what may lie on the horizon for HPC The Nehalem processors, though, should provide...

AMD demos working Istanbul 6-socket
From insideHPC

AMD demos working Istanbul 6-socket

Report at The Tech Report from Friday detailing a preview of working silicon for AMD’s new six-core Opteron, the chip that AMD hopes will stave off Intel’s forthcoming...

HyperTransport group
From insideHPC

HyperTransport group

Last week HPCwire ran this press release from the Hypertransport Group, released during their annual pow wow. Pretty standard stuff, except for the way this one...

Intel aims tweaked servers at cloud
From insideHPC

Intel aims tweaked servers at cloud

From a story at the UK’s TechWorld we learned last week that Intel is tweaking its Nehalem implementation to be more attractive to “cloud” installations Intel is...

Nokia Siemens Network going for
From Putting People First

Nokia Siemens Network going for

The Nokia Siemens Network website and its forum site “Unite” contain a wealth of valuable articles and background papers: A huge amount of articles and whitepapers...

From The Eponymous Pickle


For bloggers and others that might need sketched images: Sketchory. Here described in more detail. 250,000 images available under creative commons license. You...

Spot On
From Wild WebMink

Spot On

Best summary of the New Zealand Blackout that I've seen:

Future of Advertising
From The Eponymous Pickle

Future of Advertising

Good post covering advertising and marketing futures. In particular this covers aspects of how social networks will change the marketing future. Slides and sound...

The Internet of Things in 2020
From Putting People First

The Internet of Things in 2020

In February 2008, the European Commission and an European industry working group (EPoSS) held a workshop on the Internet of Things, involving more than 80 experts...

Sunday's Link Roundup
From Wild WebMink

Sunday's Link Roundup

Bill proposes ISPs, Wi-Fi keep logs for police US Republicans declare war on DHCP (not sure they realise that, mind you). What's with all these attempts to outlaw...

Text to Speech Illegal?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Text to Speech Illegal?

Reading James Boyle's The Public Domain(review) has alerted me to copyright issues. The new Kindle has a text-to-speech capability that reads book text to you...

Planning Long-Term Growth
From The Eponymous Pickle

Planning Long-Term Growth

Change and GrowthSure, consumer spending is down and costs are up. But this is a company that is plotting where to build its production plants through 2015, not...

Updating the Library
From The Eponymous Pickle

Updating the Library

I visit our local library about twice a week. To get books I have transferred from branches and to browse. Today I watched as a librarian carefully helped aIn...

A Comment on the NY Times
From CSDiary

A Comment on the NY Times

Last week, the New York Times published an article by John Markoff, entitled, “Do We Need a New Internet?” I’ve written a brief commentary about this for the CCC...

Does Better Security Depend on a Better Internet?
From The Computing Community Consortium Blog

Does Better Security Depend on a Better Internet?

Last week the New York Times printed an article by John Markoff entitled, Do We Need a New Internet? In the article, Markoff states, “…there is a growing belief...

New Economy Engineering and Design
From The Eponymous Pickle

New Economy Engineering and Design

Am considering the New Economy Engineer. Interesting new site. Also in the same domain: The Entrepreneurial Engineer. Worlds can be engineered as well as designed...

Looking for Research Participants
From Computer Science Teachers Association

Looking for Research Participants

As the chair of CSTA's Professional Development Committee, I recently received a request from Mara Saeli, a PhD student at the University of Eindhoven (in the Netherlands)...
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