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Bandwidth at the Inauguration?
From CSDiary

Bandwidth at the Inauguration?

I’m in Falls Church, Virginia, for a short visit with my father and stepmother. This is a historic time to be in the Washington DC area, of course. Some very, very...

Tesla GPU seminar coming
From insideHPC

Tesla GPU seminar coming

Last week while I was traveling Cluster Monkey posted an announcement about a Tesla seminar this week, hosted by NVIDIA and Microway. The key presenter is Sumit...

Visualizing Earthquakes
From The Eponymous Pickle

Visualizing Earthquakes

I just rediscovered the Wolfram blog. Had not used Mathematica now for several years. I know that their visualization capabilities are excellent, especially combined...

Turn your weaknesses into strengths
From Daniel Lemire's Blog

Turn your weaknesses into strengths

General Motors, Ford and Chrysler

University of Canterbury First to Teach Supercomputing in
From insideHPC

University of Canterbury First to Teach Supercomputing in

The University of Canterbury will become the first institution in Australasia to teach high performance computing.

India: The Impact of Mobile Phones
From Putting People First

India: The Impact of Mobile Phones

Vodafone publishes a very good, but highly under-communicated, Public Policy series. The aim of the series is “to provide a platform for leading experts to write...

When everyone zigs, Cory Doctorow zags
From Putting People First

When everyone zigs, Cory Doctorow zags

Just when everyone is writing on how mobile phones are bringing about huge changes in emerging markets, Cory Doctorow publishes a very nice and thought provoking...

Taken Out of Context: American teen sociality in networked publics
From Putting People First

Taken Out of Context: American teen sociality in networked publics

danah boyd is a a PhD candidate at the School of Information (iSchool) at the University of California (Berkeley) and a Fellow at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center...

New phone features
From Putting People First

New phone features

The complexity of modern mobile phones is leaving users frustrated and angry, research by Mformation (and reported by BBC) suggests. Some 61% of those interviewed...

From Springenwerk Blog

Links for 2009-01-18 []

Interface elements for jQuery - Documentation - Imagebox

Buyology Thinking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Buyology Thinking

Fairly extensive look in ResearchTalk at the claims behind Buyology: Buyology: Sound Science or Wishful Thinking?. the final claim comes down to the well exercised...

What Would Google Do?
From The Eponymous Pickle

What Would Google Do?

Steve Baker, author of The Numerati, which I reviewed takes a look at an upcoming book by Jeff Jarvis called What Would Google Do?

BOXX Tech Releases Core i7
From insideHPC

BOXX Tech Releases Core i7

BOXX Technologies of Austin, TX has announced the release of its latest workstation series, the 3DBOXX 4850 Extreme.

A View of Twitter vs Linkedin
From The Eponymous Pickle

A View of Twitter vs Linkedin

Always astute Jerry Michalski sends along a link to a very nice description of why Twitter is useful. Although I am still learning about this tool, I am becoming...

In Car Spamming
From The Eponymous Pickle

In Car Spamming

Via correspondent Richard James. We have long been promised the idea of networked automobiles, now this seems to be imminent. Though along with the concept may...

Still a men
From ACM-W supporting, celebrating and advocating for Women in Computing

Still a men

I would like to start the January Blog by wishing you all a happy, healthy, and successful New Year! My name is Maria Knobelsdorf and I

Itsme concept evaluation
From Putting People First

Itsme concept evaluation

Some months ago I wrote on Core77 about Itsme, a new “design-driven” way of organizing the contents of a PC, covering both the hardware and the software of the...

Experience design for interactive products
From Putting People First

Experience design for interactive products

Experience design for interactive products: designing technology augmented urban playgrounds for girls (pdf) is the long title of an interesting paper by Aadjan...

Major Science Funding Called for in House Stimulus Plan
From CSDiary

Major Science Funding Called for in House Stimulus Plan

I’ve just finished a meeting of the NRC CSTB, held at Google in Mountain View. I shouldn’t say too much about what went on, but it’s worth noting that I detected...

Selling vs Order Taking
From The Eponymous Pickle

Selling vs Order Taking

Correspondent Herb Sorensen of TNS-Sorensen has a great piece in his Views series about Selling vs Order Taking which links to the history of retail itself andwrote...
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