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Communications of the ACM



Testing for Superclass With Shoulda
From Return 42;

Testing for Superclass With Shoulda

While I was refactoring a hand full of commonly used methods from a few controllers into a superclass, I was looking for a way to test that these controllers are...

From Computational Complexity

The Molly Solution

This week Bill and I are both at the Dagstuhl Workshop on Algebraic Methods in Computation Complexity. I'll try to cover some of the talks and discussions on the...

Examples of Visualization
From The Eponymous Pickle

Examples of Visualization

A number of interesting visualizations of data. The original piece is 50 great examples of data visualization. There is no doubt that these are colorful, finely...

From Computational Complexity

Complexity Vidcast 2

Bill and I battle it out over what should be taught in a complexity course in our new vidcast.  

From Computational Complexity

Publicity for P versus NP

On the New York Times website, John Markoff writes an article Prizes Aside, the P-NP Puzzler has Consequences motivated by my CACM article on The Status of the....

See Search Results as PDF
From The Eponymous Pickle

See Search Results as PDF

In what seems like a small thing, Google now lets you get a quick view of search results, Gmail and Google docs as a PDF. As a result you can preserve more formatting...

From Computational Complexity

You are coordially invited... Why?

When you get an invitation via email should you accept? How well targeted is it? Some real examples that I got.   EXAMPLE ONE: I would like to invite you toclick...

From Computational Complexity

Two Recent Complexity Books omit Mahaney's theorem- ovesight or wisdom?

In a prior post (a while back) I pondered if Mahaney's theorem (SAT \le_m S, S Spare, implies P=NP) should be taught in a basic grad course in complexity. I thought...

From Computational Complexity

On Being Narrow

In a tweet a few days ago, David Bacon wonders why everyone always assumes all he can do is quantum computing? Oh, because that's all he's done. Time to do something...

From Computational Complexity

The Journal Manifesto 2.0

Reminder: FOCS early registration deadline today. Go here Below is a revised version of the Journal Manifesto. I restate the key sentence from my last post and...

From Computational Complexity

The Journal Manifesto

Some people say that for-profit journals do not currently serve our community well. Some even think they cannot do so. Others think they are doing a fine job as...

From Computational Complexity

The IT Rules

My family has discovered a British Series, the IT Crowd, about two techies in a corporate IT department. An American version never got past the pilot phase.   ...

From Computational Complexity

Debunking Proofs

One of the comments of the last post asked my (or someones) opinion on the proofs floating around that P=NP or P\ne NP. As a grad student I used to readWhat...

From Computational Complexity

Inspiring a Love of Math

A reader writes I come to you by way of your computational complexity blog. I get that there is some really good stuff there, but frankly don’t understand about...

From Computational Complexity

My two cents on P vs NP

There have been several posts on blogs about P vs NP and two expository articles. Is there anything else to add. I'm not sure, but here are my 2 cents. QUESTION...

From Computational Complexity

Another Reason to goto FOCS: Theory Day!

  (Posted by request of Vijay V. Vazirani. Flame him for any spelling or grammar mistakes, or if you don't like the content.)   Another reason to goto FOCS:here...

From Computational Complexity

The Netflix Prize and the Sequel

Nearly three years ago I posted on the just announced Netflix prize. First to a 10% increase in the quality of the movie recommendations would receive a million...

From Computational Complexity

Why You Shouldn't Not Go to FOCS

You can now register on-line for FOCS which includes the 50th celebration. Early registration deadline is October 1. Hotel rate good until October 9th or whilehttp...

From Computational Complexity

You Will All Work for Google

Google has acquired reCAPTCHA, Luis von Ahn's project to use humans to aid transcribing old documents. We consider Luis an honorary theorist and congrats for the...

From Computational Complexity

Possibly Recruits for the Polymath Primes Project

In the book The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat and other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks there is a true story about two twin brothers (John and Michael), both...
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