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From Computational Complexity

Max Flow

A couple of weeks ago Suresh tweeted the following result of James Orlin Max flows in O(nm) time or better.… — Suresh Venkat...

From Computational Complexity

The Time of Research

Among the many conference/journal discussions, one systems person said the reason they don't publish in journals is that their work is very dependent on current...

From Computational Complexity

The Net or the Jet

I spent the first half of my life in the jet age but not in the Internet age. I could fly anywhere in the world but the fastest way to get a research paper to another...

From Computational Complexity

Knuth Prize

Leonid Levin will receive the Knuth Prize, and give the corresponding lecture, at FOCS this year. The Knuth Prize is jointly given by ACM SIGACT and the IEEE TC...

From Computational Complexity

Ten Years of the Complexity Blog

On August 22, 2002 I wrote the following immortal words to start this blog This is my complexity web log. I'll be giving random thoughts about computational complexity...

From Computational Complexity

Is the Turing Test Still Interesting?

Besides the Turing machine, Alan Turing also developed what we now call the Turing Test in Turing's seminal 1950 AI paper "Computational Machinery and Intelligenc...

From Computational Complexity

Another Algorithmic Market Failure

In 2009, Matt Cushman, Managing Director at Knight Equity Markets, gave a seminar at Northwestern on "High Frequency Trading". Here is the abstract: High frequency...

From Computational Complexity


I haven't posted in about a month. A combination of traveling, vacation, moving to Atlanta and getting started as chair. I appreciate why Michael Mitzenmacher stopped...

From Computational Complexity

Why is it called the Turing Award?

The ACM Turing Award represents the highest honor in the computing research community, the closest we have to a Nobel prize in computer science. In this centenary...

From Computational Complexity

Instance Compression

Some announcements: FOCS Accepts, ITCS Call and ToC Special Issue for Rajeev Motwani I'd like to highlight one of the new FOCS papers, New Limits to Classical by...

From Computational Complexity


On July 1 I officially move jobs from Northwestern to Georgia Tech, a change not just in location but in role as I become a department chair. I'm proud by what...

From Computational Complexity

Alan Turing (1912-1954)

Today we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alan Turing, remembering his incredible life and mourning his tragic death. Alan Turing simply askedwebcast...

From Computational Complexity

Name My Book

As many of you know I have been working on a non-technical popular science book on the P versus NP for a general audience. The book is mostly finished but the biggest...

From Computational Complexity

Fortnoy's Complaint

During my daughter's 8th grade graduation last week, the teacher reading the names said "Molly Fortnoy...I mean Fortnow". I felt for Molly. When my name was first...

From Computational Complexity

Mihai P?tra?cu (1982-2012)

Mihai P?tra?cu passed away Tuesday after a bout with brain cancer. Even though he hadn't reached his 30th birthday, he had already produced a number of major achievements...

From Computational Complexity

Which Books to Keep?

Moving is an excuse to go through your possessions and weed out what you don't need anymore. Over my professional life I've collected two large bookcases full of...

From Computational Complexity

Theory Jobs 2012

The theoretical computer science job market has mostly settled so time for the annual spring jobs posts. I set up a Google Spreadsheet that everyone can edit so...

From Computational Complexity

STOC Business Meeting

Last night I ran my last STOC business meeting as SIGACT chair. It was a three-hour affair until the hotel staff kicked us out at midnight. Lots of

From Computational Complexity


The ACM announced the 2012 G

From Computational Complexity

Wall Street Complexity

There is much blame to go around for JPMorgan Chase's two billion dollar loss last week but part of that blame came back to us. In a New York Times web piece, ...
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