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Gathering User Ideas
From Putting People First

Gathering User Ideas

Nokia’s IdeasProject website is intriguing. A content focused platform focused on high level discourse, it contains interviews with thought leaders in communications...

Cooling your datacenter with outside air, and what
From insideHPC

Cooling your datacenter with outside air, and what

Found at Enterprise IT Planet’s Green IT news weekly roundup, two items of interest to us HPC types According to a survey by IDC, 68 percent of IT executives rated...

Intel announces Q1, reports
From insideHPC

Intel announces Q1, reports

A quickie from Intel, announcing Q1 results: Intel Corporation today reported first-quarter revenue of $7.1 billion, operating income of $670 million, net income...

Organic interfaces workshop at CHI 2009
From Putting People First

Organic interfaces workshop at CHI 2009

Carla Diana reports on Core77 at length about the highly conceptual CHI presentation/panel “Eek! A Mouse! Organic User Interfaces: Tangible, Transitive Materials...

DeWitt and Stonebraker vs. MapReduce, Round 2
From The Noisy Channel

DeWitt and Stonebraker vs. MapReduce, Round 2

A few months ago, database titans David J. DeWitt and Michael Stonebraker wrote

Sun launches new HPC
From insideHPC

Sun launches new HPC

At Sun’s Partner Summit on Tuesday the company announced a slew of new products for HPC. The head of Sun’s HPC sales organization, Marc Hamilton, hits some performance...

P&G's Recent Social Media Efforts
From The Eponymous Pickle

P&G's Recent Social Media Efforts

P&G's Dave Knox posts about their recent Tide 'Loads of Hope' Social media effort: "... it looks like some have thought we were

Data as seductive material
From Putting People First

Data as seductive material

Matt Jones (of Dopplr) gave a talk recently on seduction at the Sensing and Sensuality conference at the Umeå Institute of Design, Sweden. It’s all about seductive...

UCL London is starting a new MA in Digital Anthropology
From Putting People First

UCL London is starting a new MA in Digital Anthropology

UCL (which is the abbreviation for “University College London” although you have to look at the site’s footer to find out) is starting a new MA in Digital Anthropology...

The SEO War On Terror
From The Noisy Channel

The SEO War On Terror

I try to keep this blog apolitical, but this is just too funny and sureally on-topic to pass up. According to The Register, the British Office of Security and Counter...

The SEO War On Terror
From The Noisy Channel

The SEO War On Terror

I try to keep this blog apolitical, but this is just too funny and sureally on-topic to pass up. According to The Register, the British Office of Security and Counter...

Lustre Releases New Community
From insideHPC

Lustre Releases New Community

The folks within the Lustre group at Sun have announced the release of a new community site.

Death of Consumer Segmentation?
From The Eponymous Pickle

Death of Consumer Segmentation?

Insightful piece. Though really more about rethinking the idea of consumer segmentation and how it plays out in consumer decision-making. Makes the point that...

Netezza and Mapinfo
From The Eponymous Pickle

Netezza and Mapinfo

Used the package Mapinfo several times in the enterprise. Including the construction of front ends for optimization packages for the supply chain. The world of...

Calit2 at UCSD Teams with
From insideHPC

Calit2 at UCSD Teams with

Darkstrand has announced a recent collaborative agreement with the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology [Calit2] at the University...

JAIST Puts Cray XT5 Into
From insideHPC

JAIST Puts Cray XT5 Into

Cray announced today that the Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology [JAIST] has put the country’s first XT5 supercomputer into production.

Enterprise Search eBook
From The Noisy Channel

Enterprise Search eBook

Ron Miller, Contributing Editor at EContent Magazine and Editor at FierceContentManagement, just released a free eBook on enterprise search: I’m pleased to announce...

Enterprise Search eBook
From The Noisy Channel

Enterprise Search eBook

Ron Miller, Contributing Editor at EContent Magazine and Editor at FierceContentManagement, just released a free eBook on enterprise search: I’m pleased to announce...

Enterprise Search eBook
From The Noisy Channel

Enterprise Search eBook

Ron Miller, Contributing Editor at EContent Magazine and Editor at FierceContentManagement, just released a free eBook on enterprise search: I’m pleased to announce...

Leak in supercomputer building forces replacement of $4M in
From insideHPC

Leak in supercomputer building forces replacement of $4M in

Late last week reported that a steam leak in a building being built to house Indiana University’s supercomputers forced the replacement of $4.2M in...
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