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Communications of the ACM



Skittles Marketing Experiment
From The Eponymous Pickle

Skittles Marketing Experiment

A recent experiment by Mars using a number of Web 2.0 services on their site is nicely summarized by Paul Gillin: Skittles' Bold Social Media Experiment. The idea...

An anthropologist gone techno
From Putting People First

An anthropologist gone techno

Jukka Jouhki (blog), an anthropologist and post-doc researcher at the Department of History and Ethnology at the University of Jyv

Social media is here to stay
From Putting People First

Social media is here to stay

danah boyd, a Fellow at Harvard Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society, just joined Microsoft Research New England On 29 February, she gave her first...

it's time for SXSW!!
From Apophenia

it's time for SXSW!!

After taking a break to finish my dissertation, I'm heading back to SXSW and I. Cannot. Wait. SXSW is one of my favorite-ist conferences evah. It's filled with...

Paper Water Bottles
From The Eponymous Pickle

Paper Water Bottles

In a conversation with the design company Brand-Image I was introduced to their design concept: the paper water bottle. An example at the right. Some true alternative...

Ballad of the Massively Parallel Supercomputing
From insideHPC

Ballad of the Massively Parallel Supercomputing

And this is my first music post. Always something to celebrate here at insideHPC. Mike Bernhardt

Claytronics on Slashdot
From CSDiary

Claytronics on Slashdot

The Claytronics Project has hit Slashdot (again) today. See the post by clicking here. Jason Campbell (Intel Research Pittsburgh) is quoted in the article, and...

Guidelines for Behavior Ads
From The Eponymous Pickle

Guidelines for Behavior Ads

From the BBC, a new trend?New guidelines on behavioural ads UK ISPs stand to make a lot of money from targeted advertising. The online advertising industry has...

ACM Washington Update, Vol. 13.2 (March 8, 2009)
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

ACM Washington Update, Vol. 13.2 (March 8, 2009)

CONTENTS [1] Newsletter Highlights [2] USACM Outlines Technical Principles for Open Government [3] USACM Hails Boosts in Research Funding [4] NIST Presents New...

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of March 9
From U.S. Public Policy Committee of the ACM

Hill Tech Happenings, Week of March 9

March 10 Hearing The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on patent reform, with a focus on recent court decisions and possible legislation. 10 a.m.,...

AT&T wants to run your
From insideHPC

AT&T wants to run your

Well, maybe not your HPC datacenter, but they are definitely lining up to run big enterprise datacenters, and $19B business in 2008. From an article at The Register...

BNP Paribas deploys Tesla-based
From insideHPC

BNP Paribas deploys Tesla-based

BNP Paribas Corporate and Investment Banking announced last week that they have deployed a new CPU-based computer A significant portion of the calculations, about...

"Social Media is Here to Stay... Now What?"
From Apophenia

"Social Media is Here to Stay... Now What?"

Last week, I gave my first talk at Microsoft since joining MSR. This talk was part of the annual Tech Fest where researchers from labs around the world come and...

Is CS Enrollment on the Upswing?
From CSDiary

Is CS Enrollment on the Upswing?

We’ll have to wait for the new Taulbee Survey results to come out (any day now), but there are a few signs here and there that CS enrollments are on the upswing...

Keeping Up
From CSDiary

Keeping Up

I’m way overdue for a new entry on this blog. The past two weeks have been pretty crazy. I attended the Computing Leadership Summit and the CRA Board meeting in...

Cruising, Searching and Selecting
From The Eponymous Pickle

Cruising, Searching and Selecting

Herb Sorensen of TNS takes a scientific look at shopper behavior in their habitat: Deconstructing the Shopping Trip (so far!). Another excellent read.He also reminded...

Empathy is growth
From Putting People First

Empathy is growth

Dev Patnaik, founder and chief executive of Jump Associates, argues in Business Week that knowing the wants of your customers is more important than out-innovating...

The LIFT conference experience
From Putting People First

The LIFT conference experience

One of those things hard to achieve with conferences is a good atmosphere. The recent LIFT conference in Geneva, Switzerland clearly has it down to a science:...

New frontiers at LIFT09
From Putting People First

New frontiers at LIFT09

The final session of the 2009 LIFT conference was about new frontiers, devoted to people who are pushing the envelope, and reinventing their fields in the process...

From Putting People First


Two new interviews on Nokia’s IdeasProject: This device we make in our own image changes everything Renowned computational biologist and educational innovator James...
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