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From Computational Complexity

CCC deadline Dec 15, 2009! (not factorial)

Submissions to 25th CCC are due TOMORROW! (Actually it could be TOMORROW, TODAY, or IN THE PAST depending on when you read this.) Should you submit? If you have...

From Computational Complexity

Whats your Game Mr. Bond? Nim?

BILL: Clyde is teaching a graduate course titled Games, Game Theory, and the Theory of Games. He tells me that there are basically eight kinds of games governed...

From Computational Complexity

Is posting about 17x17 problem BAD FOR ACADEMIA?

(The 17x17 problem has gotten far wider attention than I imagined--- Brian Hayes posted it on his website: here, and its also here and here. The last website is...

Congrads to new ACM fellows
From Computational Complexity

Congrads to new ACM fellows

Congrads to ALL of the ACM Fellows which were annouced here.   There are several theorists among them. I could try to list them or count them; however, the term...

17x17: Comments on your comments
From Computational Complexity

17x17: Comments on your comments

One of the comments on my last post, the 17x17 post, inquired if I am also interested in the other unknown grids (17x18, 18x18, 21x10, 21x11, 21x12, 22x10). I AM...

The 17x17 challenge. Worth $289.00. This is not a joke.
From Computational Complexity

The 17x17 challenge. Worth $289.00. This is not a joke.

The 17x17 challenge: worth $289.00. I am not kidding. Definition: The n x m grid is c-colorable if there is a way to c-color the vertices of the n x m grid soThe...

An Undervalued Math Problem
From Computational Complexity

An Undervalued Math Problem

As most of you know there are 7 problems worth $1,000,000 (see here). It may be just 6 since Poincare's conjecture has probably been solved. Why are these problems...

Laptops in Church?
From Computational Complexity

Laptops in Church?

There are now bibles online where you can click for different versions, different translations, different interepretations, historical context, etc. The same is...

From Computational Complexity

Rules about Blogs becaues Blogs RULE!

There are now laws about blogging and twittering that Lance and I (and all the bloggers) will need to be aware of. Here is a short summary: If a blogger posts...

From Computational Complexity

New York Theory Day

IBM-NYU-COLUMBIA theory day on Dec 11 ! Here is pointer to more information: here My advice: If you are able to go (distance, time, money all okay) then you...

From Computational Complexity

Multi-Agent Biological Systems and Nat Algorithms Workshop (Guest Post)

Guest Post from Aaron Sterling Multi-Agent Biological Systems and the Natural Algorithms Workshop I attended the Natural Algorithms Workshop on November...

From Computational Complexity

If FACEBOOK the new email?

Back in 1993 I had the following conversation with one of my relatives: BILL: Just give me your email address and I'll email it to you. RELATIVE: I don't...

Really Liked Bertinoro- Ramsey Thing
From Computational Complexity

Really Liked Bertinoro- Ramsey Thing

(Reminder: STOC Deadline Thursday Nov 5, 7:00PM, Eastern: link.)   After yesterday's post about RaTLoCC 2009 (Ramsey Theory in Logic, Combinatorics, and Complexity)...

Report From Ramsey-Logic-Complexity Workshop
From Computational Complexity

Report From Ramsey-Logic-Complexity Workshop

Back from RaTLoCC 2009 which is Ramsey Theory in Logic, Combinatorics, and Complexity.   Here are the list of talks: here. Reverse Mathematics tries...

Notes on Dagstuhl
From Computational Complexity

Notes on Dagstuhl

A few notes on Dagshul which Lance and I were at last week. I could tell you about the talks, but the website does a better job: here I value goingLinear...

Need a Roomate for a Conference?
From Computational Complexity

Need a Roomate for a Conference?

(Guest Post by Dave Doty pointing to a blog by ***SORELLE*** which points to a roomate finding service for conferences.)   Sorelle has announced a new roommate...

An Unintentional Sociology of Blogs Experiment
From Computational Complexity

An Unintentional Sociology of Blogs Experiment

Yesterday I posted a list of books that I want reviews of as SIGACT NEWS Book Review Column Editor. This resulted in an unintentional study of Sociology and Blogs...

From Computational Complexity

List of books I want reviewed

I have been the SIGACT NEWS Book Review Column Editor for a while now. Every issue I have a list of books that I WANT reviewed. This works pretty well, but I recently...

From Computational Complexity

The last Universal Mathematician was ???

The book Prime Obsessions has the following on Page 159:   You will see it written that Hadamard was the last of the universal mathematicians--- the last, that...

From Computational Complexity

You are coordially invited... Why?

When you get an invitation via email should you accept? How well targeted is it? Some real examples that I got.   EXAMPLE ONE: I would like to invite you toclick...
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