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Expanding on Explore-Exploit
From The Noisy Channel

Expanding on Explore-Exploit

A few years ago, I proposed a non-adversarial ad-supported model: an explore-exploit model, applicable to search engines and feeds, that aligns the interests of...

Support for Email Addresses in Local Languages Grows with Major Tech Companies
From Universal Acceptance Steering Group

Support for Email Addresses in Local Languages Grows with Major Tech Companies

By Mark Svancarek, Chair, EAI Working GroupMany people around the world are currently excluded from experiencing the full benefits of the Internet simply because...

Making Global Progress Towards an #Internet4All | Universal Acceptance Local Initiatives
From Universal Acceptance Steering Group

Making Global Progress Towards an #Internet4All | Universal Acceptance Local Initiatives

By Ajay Data, UASG Chair - 29 October 2020 Throughout the year, the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) spearheads global projects that raise awarenessMaking...

Wolf, thank you for these additional points.
From The Noisy Channel

Wolf, thank you for these additional points.

Wolf, thank you for these additional points. I agree that Peter Norvig’s post, while very educational, is a starting point to learn about spelling correction but...

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!
From The Noisy Channel

Coffee, Coffee, Coffee!

In 1984, Robin Williams starred in Moscow on the Hudson as a Russian saxophonist who decides to defect from the USSR during a shopping trip to a New York department...

Learning from Friction to Improve the Search Experience
From The Noisy Channel

Learning from Friction to Improve the Search Experience

When we design search applications, we aspire to make the user experience frictionless. A search engine should “just work”, enabling searchers to easily express...

Broad Testing Thank You
From My Biased Coin

Broad Testing Thank You

 I have a loose association with the Broad Institute, an institute created so that "complementary expertise of the genomic scientists and the chemical biologists...

Thanks. And sorry that slide was cryptically brief.
From The Noisy Channel

Thanks. And sorry that slide was cryptically brief.

Thanks. And sorry that slide was cryptically brief. What I mean is that spelling correction should not restrict itself to correcting each token separately. Many...

In this case, I’m imagining that the only match of the string “black” against one of the attributes…
From The Noisy Channel

In this case, I’m imagining that the only match of the string “black” against one of the attributes…

In this case, I’m imagining that the only match of the string “black” against one of the attributes is for the “color” attribute. If the string matches multiple...

The typical integration approach I’ve seen is to use a separate query rewriting service that then…
From The Noisy Channel

The typical integration approach I’ve seen is to use a separate query rewriting service that then…

The typical integration approach I’ve seen is to use a separate query rewriting service that then either filter the Solr query to the preferred categories / attributes...

If the results for two queries expressing the same intent are similar, then they should map to…
From The Noisy Channel

If the results for two queries expressing the same intent are similar, then they should map to…

If the results for two queries expressing the same intent are similar, then they should map to similar vectors. If not, then it’s more complicated. You might still...

Indeed, the devil is in the details, But I can tell you that I’ve successfully used this idea to…
From The Noisy Channel

Indeed, the devil is in the details, But I can tell you that I’ve successfully used this idea to…

Indeed, the devil is in the details, But I can tell you that I’ve successfully used this idea to drive lift for my clients, and I recommend exploring it.

As I suggested in the post, you can use the embeddings of result titles for the results searchers…
From The Noisy Channel

As I suggested in the post, you can use the embeddings of result titles for the results searchers…

As I suggested in the post, you can use the embeddings of result titles for the results searchers engage with when they perform the query. I realize that the devil...

You’re Invited to the UA FY21 Action Plan Webinar
From Universal Acceptance Steering Group

You’re Invited to the UA FY21 Action Plan Webinar

The Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) will be holding a webinar to discuss the UA Fiscal Year 2021 Action Plan on Thursday, 20 August at 14:00 UTC (time...

I’ve written a few posts that at least touch on voice interfaces:
From The Noisy Channel

I’ve written a few posts that at least touch on voice interfaces:

I’ve written a few posts that at least touch on voice interfaces: Query Understanding and Voice Interfaces Why Voice isn’t Selling…Yet Query Understanding and Chatbots...

Search Queries and Search Intent
From The Noisy Channel

Search Queries and Search Intent

Mapping Search Queries To Search IntentsEvaluating and improving search experience starts with analyzing the queries searchers are making. But search queries are...

STOC Workshop on "Algorithms with Predictions"
From My Biased Coin

STOC Workshop on "Algorithms with Predictions"

The STOC workshop on Algorithms with Predictions was on Friday, and I thought it went really well!  I can't speak for my talk, but the other 3 talks (Tim Roughgarden...

Writing Code for a Paper :  A Note to Students
From My Biased Coin

Writing Code for a Paper : A Note to Students

This post both relates to some of the stuff I'll be presenting at Friday's STOC workshop on Algorithms with Predictions, but is also for future students in my classes...

UASG Welcomes Six New UA Ambassadors
From Universal Acceptance Steering Group

UASG Welcomes Six New UA Ambassadors

By Ajay Data, Chair of the UASG The Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) is proud to welcome six new UA Ambassadors into the UASG Ambassador Program for FY21...

Algorithms with Predictions:  Survey and Workshop
From My Biased Coin

Algorithms with Predictions: Survey and Workshop

There's a whole new, interesting theory trend  -- Algorithms with Predictions.  The idea, spurred by advances in machine learning, is that you assume you have predictor...
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