The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has launched a contest to gain a better understanding of how social media can spread the word during a crisis.
The Cash for Locating and Identifying Quick Response codes (CLIQR) Quest Challenge, which began February 23 and ends March 8, has designated assets required for a relief effort with appropriate QR codes and has distributed them around the United States, just as real assets would be, but participants are to use their online presence to locate and identify the codes rather than physically look for them. Participants do not know the nature of the emergency situation until they join CLIQR or how many codes they must find, and DARPA can change the rules of the challenge at any time.
DARPA wants participants to showcase their social media skills. "This quest is not a scavenger hunt, nor is it a geocaching contest or game," DARPA says. "You do not have to physically visit any of the locations where the QR codes are publicly displayed--the intent is for you to use your online presence and tools to distribute the code [using the Twitter hashtag #CLIQRquest or keyword CLIQRquest on other platforms] and find others with the codes you need."
The first person who identifies the QR codes can win up to $40,000.
From Government Computer News
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