RIKEN's K-Computer sports 82,944 nodes and 663,552 cores.
Credit: RIKEN
Japan's K-Computer is the world's fastest supercomputer, topping the latest Graph 500 list, which was released this week at SC16 in Salt Lake City. The Graph 500 list, which is updated every six months, measures performance against three kernels: search, optimization, and edge-oriented. The rankings on these kernels are informative for application performance in a range of areas, including cybersecurity, medical informatics, social networks, data enrichment, and symbolic networks such as the human brain.
"It is exciting to see the Graph 500 list evolve as we continue to push forward on large-scale data analytics and architectural challenges we face in developing memory and interconnects for these powerful machines," says Micron's Richard Murphy, cofounder of the Graph 500. The K-Computer, which was built by Fujitsu and is operated by Japanese research institute RIKEN, has topped the Graph 500 list since July 2015. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Sequoia supercomputer ranked second on the Graph 500 list, and Argonne National Laboratory's Mira supercomputer ranked third.
"In this new age of big data, we need to measure not just how quickly computers can chew on sets of numbers, but rather how quickly computers can build knowledge from massive-scale datasets," says the Georgia Institute of Technology's David Bader, who helped develop the Graph 500.
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