Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany are working on an approach to unmanned air systems that does not require satellite navigation.
Credit: GPS World
Researchers at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Germany are working on an approach to unmanned air systems and aerial vehicles (UAVs) that does not use global navigation satellite systems (GNSS).
The researchers say the premise of their approach is based on the assumption that GNSS signal reception could be problematic in future autonomous flights. However, most UAVs are equipped with GNSS and inertial, so aiding the inertial solution with a back-up system is preferred.
The KIT researchers used a monocular camera and a two-dimensional laser rangefinder combined into a hybrid laser-camera sensor for navigation assistance. The camera and laser rangefinder were calibrated by focusing from multiple different adjacent locations on one object. The researchers then verified the initial performance of the hybrid solution by flying the UAV down a corridor toward a wall.
The researchers next plan to focus on better perception of the test environment.
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