The Russian Quantum Center has announced the creation of the first quantum-safe blockchain.
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The Russian Quantum Center on Thursday announced the creation of the first quantum-safe blockchain for securing cryptocurrencies and classified government communications and other sensitive digital transactions.
The center says it protects the blockchain via a combination of quantum key distribution (QKD) and post-quantum cryptography, in essence rendering it "un-hackable."
The researchers say the technology generates special blocks signed by QKD network-produced quantum keys instead of using traditional digital signatures.
Hyperion analyst Steve Conway says the center's claims would demand refined quantum computing capabilities. "The challenges with creating a quantum computer increase dramatically with the number of qubits," Conway notes.
He also says a serious deployment of the kinds of blockchain security capabilities the Russian Quantum Center is describing would require using thousands of qubits. "I'd be surprised if this were in the thousands of qubits range, which is what you'd really need for serious cybersecurity," Conway says.
From HPC Wire
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