Researchers in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have developed an algorithm that can take two-dimensional videos and turn them into three-dimensionally-printed "motion sculptures."
Researchers in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have developed an algorithm that can take two-dimensional (2D) videos and turn them into three-dimensionally-printed (3D-printed) "motion sculptures" that show how a human body moves through space.
The MoSculp system could enable a more detailed examination of motion for professional athletes, dancers, or anyone who wants to improve their physical skills.
Since the motion sculptures are three-dimensional, MoSculp users can navigate around the structures and see motion-related information from different viewpoints via the computer interface.
The system takes an input video and automatically detects 2D key points on the subject's body, such as the hip, knee, and ankle; it then takes the best possible poses from those points to be turned into 3D "skeletons."
After combining the skeletons, the system generates a motion sculpture that can be 3D-printed.
From MIT News
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