U.S. President Donald J. Trump is scheduled to sign an executive order today creating a program called the American AI Initiative.
Credit: Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images
U.S. President Donald Trump today will sign an executive order for the federal government to channel existing funds, programs, and data in support of artificial intelligence (AI) research and commercialization.
The American AI Initiative will ask agencies to assist U.S. workers' adjustment to professions impacted by AI by supporting training and fellowships, and to consider what new regulations may be needed to rein in unwelcome effects.
The program also would ask certain agencies in areas like health and transportation to open data stores to academics and companies engaged in AI research, using privacy-protecting mechanisms.
The University of Washington's Ryan Calo said the initiative's progress should reveal whether the White House is seriously considering related ethical and human rights issues, like whether "they [are] aware enough of [AI's] social impacts, and thinking about the effects on society and how to address the problems it creates."
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