Alphabet and Apple are following different strategies to transform healthcare, as demonstrated by the differences in the firms' smart watch products.
Alphabet and Apple are following different strategies to transform healthcare, with Alphabet subsidiary Verily's Jessica Mega stating her group has reached an "inflection point" in storing and processing massive data volumes, which could revolutionize clinical trials.
Mega said wearables like Verily's Study Watch can collect far more information than clinics, with data for each patient on track to grow from a few gigabytes now to terabytes in the future.
Verily also has expanded its multi-institutional Project Baseline effort, using Study Watches to collect data on about 10,000 people to find clues to predict disease.
Verily hopes its healthcare approach will reap dividends by designing its device specifically for clinical trials, while Apple's strategy is to offer consumer products.
Apple's virtual Apple Heart Study recently demonstrated that the Apple Watch wearable could detect heart problems, suggesting the potential of wearables to reach hundreds of thousands of participants.
From Financial Times
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