U.S. state election offices are failing to implement digital safeguards, increasing the 2020 elections' susceptibility to hackers, according to a new study.
Credit: The Atlantic
A study by cybersecurity company NormShield found U.S. state election offices are failing to implement digital safeguards, increasing the 2020 elections' susceptibility to hackers.
Various offices have not patched computer systems against established digital attacks and still rely on obsolete software.
Some state offices are not fully shielding their websites against exploits or following technical strategies to prevent hackers from masquerading as employees via email.
These security lapses are particularly threatening because attackers frequently access an organization's most sensitive systems and data by first targeting less-protected assets, like public-facing websites or employee email accounts.
NormShield’s Bob Maley said his company based its findings on publicly available online information, which means Russian hackers and other adversaries who wish to interfere with the 2020 election likely are aware of the vulnerabilities.
From The Washington Post
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