The School of Code is a start-up offering 16 weeks of free training at a boot camp for computer programming.
Credit: William Wallis
School of Code is a U.K.-based startup that offers 15 weeks of free training at a "boot camp" for computer programming.
Chris Meah set up the program to break down stereotypes about computer "nerds" and prove that "anyone can be a coder."
Another of Meah's goals for the program is to address the lack of diversity in the U.K. tech industry, which is currently 81% male, according to a recent survey by business network Tech Nation.
School of Code's business model relies on charging companies that employ his trained coders a recruitment fee, as well as various sponsorships.
In its first year, School of Code received 300 applicants for 19 places; it received 500 applicants for 24 places in the second year.
Said Meah, "We take people who are earning very little and get them on to a basic salary of typically £27,000 (around $33,500). That can go up to £30,000 or £40,000 after a year—the demand is just so high."
From Financial Times
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