The more connected a smart city is, the greater its vulnerability to cyberattack.
Credit: Tyler Comrie
The more connected a smart city is, the greater its vulnerability to cyberattack, with sensors collecting data from streetlights and buildings one likely attack vector.
Connections to smart grids and water-supply systems also could be exploited and hijacked, as could connections to autonomous vehicles.
Suggested prevention and mediation strategies include encrypting data being transmitted over smart city networks, and ensuring everything is not on the same network.
Portland, OR, keeps its sensors separate from wider urban networks as much as possible; that city also anonymizes its data and deletes collected video footage immediately after analysis, under the aegis of the city’s Smart City PDX program.
Meanwhile, officials in New York have established a testing laboratory for Internet of Things devices, which has completed examinations of more than a dozen devices for performance and vulnerabilities.
Said Cesar Cerrudo, founder of Securing Smart Cities, “If you don’t cover security from the very beginning, then it becomes very difficult to protect it."
From The Wall Street Journal
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