The DNA biocomputing system was demonstrated through the development of a 10-bit square root logic circuit.
A computer made from strands of DNA in a test tube can calculate the square root of numbers up to 900.
Chunlei Guo at the University of Rochester and colleagues developed a computer that uses 32 strands of DNA to store and process information. It can calculate the square root of square numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, 25 and so on up to 900.
The DNA computer uses a process known as hybridization, which occurs when two strands of DNA attach together to form double-stranded DNA.
The DNA computer could help to develop more complex computing circuits, says Guo. "DNA computing is still in its infancy, but holds great promise for solving problems that are too difficult or even impossible to handle by current silicon-based computers," he says.
The research is described in "Programmable DNA Nanoindicator‐Based Platform for Large‐Scale Square Root Logic Biocomputing," published in the journal Small.
From New Scientist
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