New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy announced a new program that would help train workers for careers in computer science and other high-tech jobs.
Credit: Corey Perrine/The Wall Street Journal
A workforce-development program announced by New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy would help train workers for careers in computer science and other high-tech jobs, with the goal of increasing the number of postsecondary graduates employed in high-demand industries by 10% over the next five years.
The program includes offering more college-level classes in disciplines like computer science in high school, expanding apprentice programs, and developing industry-focused training at community colleges.
In addition, grant programs could help up to 500,000 students attend college, and reimburse employers for training employees.
Said Murphy, the state needs to "help potential employers, on the one hand, find employees they need and help potential employees, on the other hand, find where they can best put their skills to work."
From The Wall Street Journal
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