Nanyang Technological University, Singapore researchers have developed a semi-autonomous robot that can quickly disinfect large surfaces.
Credit: Tech Explorist
Researchers at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) have developed a semi-autonomous robot that can quickly disinfect large surfaces.
The eXtreme Disinfection roBOT (XDBOT) can be wireless controlled via a laptop or tablet, removing the need for human cleaners to come into contact with surface, reducing the risk of picking up viruses such as COVID-19.
XDBOT has a six-axis robotic arm that can mimic human movement to reach hard-to-reach locations such as under tables and beds, as well as doorknobs, tabletops, and light switches.
It also uses an electrostatic-charged nozzle to spread disinfectant.
Said NTU's Lam Khin Yong, “During this challenging period, we are proud that our scientists have come together and gone the extra mile to develop a homegrown robotic solution to help address the current manpower crunch in the sanitation industry and to minimize transmission risks associated with COVID-19."
From Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
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