A new report from analyst firm McKinsey warns that more than 90 million workers across Europe will have to develop significant new skills as automation puts 51 million jobs at risk.
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More than 90 million workers across Europe (about 40% of the total workforce) will have to develop significant new skills within their current roles in the next 10 years, as automation puts 51 million jobs at risk, warns a new report from analyst firm McKinsey.
Almost all of today's European workers will face some degree of change as their jobs evolve because of technology. But although the statistics seemingly feed into a common fear of robots taking over our jobs, quick conclusions needn't be drawn: the research also shows that employment growth in other sectors will largely compensate for overall job loss.
So much, in fact, that Europe might find itself short of up to 6 million workers by 2030. As new opportunities emerge in fields like technology, for example, McKinsey anticipates that finding sufficient workers with the required skills to fill the jobs that are being created on the continent will be challenging.
This is especially the case in megacities like London and Paris, where employment opportunities will be concentrated, but with too few residents qualified to fill them. The report found that in such areas of dynamic growth, less than 60% of new jobs will be taken up by a suitable worker.
From ZDNet
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