The scope of the hacking appears to extend beyond nuclear laboratories and Pentagon, Treasury and Commerce Department systems.
Federal officials issued an urgent warning on Thursday that hackers who American intelligence agencies believed were working for the Kremlin used a far wider variety of tools than previously known to penetrate government systems, and said that the cyberoffensive was "a grave risk to the federal government."
The discovery suggests that the scope of the hacking, which appears to extend beyond nuclear laboratories and Pentagon, Treasury and Commerce Department systems, complicates the challenge for federal investigators as they try to assess the damage and understand what had been stolen.
Minutes after the statement from the cybersecurity arm of the Department of Homeland Security, President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. warned that his administration would impose "substantial costs" on those responsible.
"A good defense isn't enough; we need to disrupt and deter our adversaries from undertaking significant cyberattacks in the first place," Mr. Biden said, adding, "I will not stand idly by in the face of cyberassaults on our nation."
From The New York Times
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