Over the past week, tens of millions of people have downloaded Signal and Telegram, making them the two hottest apps in the world.
Credit: Giulia Marchi/The New York Times
Neeraj Agrawal, a spokesman for a cryptocurrency think tank, has typically used the encrypted messaging app Signal to chat with privacy-minded colleagues and peers. So he was surprised on Monday when the app alerted him to two new users: Mom and Dad.
"Signal still had a subversive shine to it," said Mr. Agrawal, 32. "Now my parents are on it."
On Telegram, another encrypted messaging app, Gavin McInnes, founder of the far-right Proud Boys group, had just announced his return. "Man, I haven't posted here in a while," he wrote on Sunday. "I'll be posting regularly."
And on Twitter, Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur, also weighed in last week with a two-word endorsement: "Use Signal."
From The New York Times
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