The federal Bureau of Transportation Statistics says about 16% of plane departures were late this year through July.
Credit: Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg News
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) officials said the agency intends to deploy new software designed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to more easily estimate when planes can taxi onto a runway and take off.
They said the FAA hopes to incorporate the software into a system for managing air traffic at airports in the next few years.
The system reportedly reduced delays at North Carolina's Charlotte Douglas International Airport by over 900 hours during a four-year testing period, or an average 15 minutes of wait time for each of approximately 3,600 departing flights.
FAA administrator Steve Dickson said the system will improve air-traffic controllers' visibility into data that airlines use to operate flights, enabling better prediction of on-time departures and avoidance of bottlenecks.
From The Wall Street Journal
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