The system helps move goods through the fulfillment process on average twice as fast as manual processes alone, according to GXOs Chief Information Officer Sandeep Sakharkar.
Credit: GXO Logistics Inc.
Department store chain Saks Fifth Avenue is now shipping online orders from a Middletown, PA, warehouse operated by GXO Logistics that uses autonomous robots to help workers locate items.
GXO's Sandeep Sakharkar said, "Advances in robotics, coupled with fast-evolving AI [artificial intelligence] and machine learning capabilities, have created exciting possibilities in automated warehouse design."
The collaborative robots feature computer screens that display images of items for warehouse workers to collect, and use software trained on Saks' product catalog to cross-reference incoming orders with a map of item locations, directing workers to items.
Sakharkar said the system can double the speed of fulfillment compared to manual processes alone, which is critical for e-retailers like Saks in anticipation of the peak holiday shopping season.
From The Wall Street Journal
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