The Chinese team said they took on this challenge because achieving real-time simulation of a random quantum circuit using a supercomputer would aid both in the development of quantum devices and in bringing algorithmic and architectural innovations to th
Credit: ACM
ACM has named a team of Chinese researchers to receive the 2021 ACM Gordon Bell Prize for simulating a random quantum circuit (RQC) in real time using a Sunway supercomputer.
The researchers developed a systematic design process encompassing the algorithm, parallelization, and architecture needed to model a 10x10x random quantum circuit (RQC), which realized 1.20-Eflops single-precision or 4.4-Eflops mixed-precision performance on more than 41.9 million Sunway cores.
The project outperformed cutting-edge RQC simulation processes and generated the model in 304 seconds; the Summit supercomputer would have taken approximately 10,000 years to perform the same task using Google's Sycamore quantum processor.
The researchers said they assumed this challenge to help in both quantum-device development and in bringing algorithmic and architectural advances to the supercomputing community.
From ACM
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