Researcher Joana Bruno said she felt quite privileged to be the first person to see their faces emerging from the skulls after so many years.
Credit: Joana Bruno/ASOME/Autonomous University of Barcelona
Joana Bruno at Spain's Autonomous University of Barcelona digitally replicated the faces of 36 people buried at the ancient European settlement of La Almoloya, located in what is now Murcia, Spain.
Bruno used software to combine facial reconstruction techniques and anatomical knowledge to produce a series of gray-toned faces in profile, "to see if the resemblance between certain traits could point us towards a shared genetic relationship," she said.
The methodology indicated a 3,700-year-old double burial at La Almoloya was a husband and wife, with the man's daughter buried nearby.
Analysis of mitochondrial DNA determined the women and girls were mostly descended from local people, while the men and boys were not.
From The New York Times
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