The researchers developed a computational technique that enables them to levitate and manipulate objects above bumpy surfaces and near objects, like this rabbit hologram levitating above a 3D-printed rabbit.
Credit: Ryuji Hirayama/University College London
An algorithm developed by researchers at the U.K.'s University College London can generate "holograms" by acoustically levitating objects.
The researchers employed a grid of 256 loudspeakers to levitate glowing beads with ultrasound waves into recognizable three-dimensional (3D) shapes, with the algorithm adjusting the shapes to prevent the beads’ scattering by other objects.
The researchers used the method to levitate objects near a three-dimensionally (3D)-printed rabbit, in one case levitating and spinning a piece of transparent fabric above the rabbit while a projector cast images of the rabbit onto it, producing a hologram-like 3D image hovering above the sculpture.
Bruce Drinkwater at the U.K.’s University of Bristol said the technique could be used to project information in displays or advertising, or in chemical engineering, where the sound waves could be used to mix materials without touching them.
From New Scientist
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