Machine learning and quantum computing were used to test models within fractions of a second, parsing through virtually ever possible mixture and material combination to find the best one.
Credit: University of Notre Dame
Two researchers at the University of Notre Dame in collaboration with South Korea's Kyung Hee University recently utilized quantum computing to help develop a new transparent window coating capable of blocking solar heat.
In findings published in ACS Energy Levels, Tengfei Luo, Notre Dame's Dorini Family Professor of Energy Studies, and postdoctoral associate, Seongmin Kim, worked together to devise their transparent radiative cooler (TRC) layer, which only permits external visible light that doesn't raise indoor temperatures, thus cutting buildings' cooling costs by as much as a third of current rates.
According to the International Energy Agency, air conditioning and electric fans comprise 20 percent of buildings' energy costs around the world—roughly 10 percent of human electricity consumption.
From Popular Science
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