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Black Hole Simulation Wins First Prize at International Competition

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A team from the Louisiana State University (LSU) Center for Computation and Technology (CCT) won the top prize at the recent SCALE 2009 challenge. The grid-computing competition, held in Shanghai, China, involved the demonstration of real-world problem solving using scalable computing. The CCT demonstration featured a scalable, interactive system to simulate and visualize black holes to study the physics of gravitational waves.

The CCT entry met the scalable computing requirements of the competition, including automatically generating simulation code, developing programs and software components to provide fast data transfer across the Louisiana Optical Network Initiative (LONI), parallelizing the rendering process to transform scientific data into images, and building interactive, tangible devices that allow researchers to engage the scientific data directly as it is visualized live.

The demonstration also tested the LSU team's ability to effectively use high-performance computing machines concurrently, running applications on thousands of computing cores simultaneously while using several distributed resources. The CCT team was able to demonstrate live interaction with the simulation using a Web interface for application-level monitoring, debugging, and profiling. The demonstration also showed live, interactive images of the black hole data using a scientific visualization system distributed across LONI. The team built tangible interactive devices, enabling observers to interact with the visualization process in real time.

From LSU Center for Computation & Technology
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Abstracts Copyright © 2009 Information Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA


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