Credit: Small Business Labs
The Council of Europe has proposed a global Internet Treaty designed to protect the Internet from political interference. The treaty operates on 12 Principles of Internet Governance, including openness and interoperability and network neutrality.
"The fundamental functions and the core principles of the Internet must be preserved in all layers of the Internet architecture with a view to guaranteeing the interoperability of networks in terms of infrastructures, services, and contents," according to the draft treaty.
Also proposed as a principle of net neutrality was that the Internet leaves any information processing to the end points of the network and does not interfere with traffic that passes across it. The proposed accord also would require international collaboration to protect Internet infrastructure as well as the multi-stakeholder system of governance.
Under the treaty, the system of governance overseen by ICANN would adhere to international human rights law and would uphold certain rights, including freedom of expression, association, and human dignity. The treaty also would establish a principle of cross-border cooperation in the identification and neutralization of security weaknesses.
From Computer Weekly
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