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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Heads ­p: Augmented Reality Prepares For the Battlefield
From ACM News

Heads ­p: Augmented Reality Prepares For the Battlefield

At last week's Pentagon Lab Day in Washington, DC, the Army's Communications-Electronics Research, Development and Engineering Center (CERDEC) and Army Research...

River Channels on Three Worlds Reveal a History of Shifting Landscapes
From ACM News

River Channels on Three Worlds Reveal a History of Shifting Landscapes

At this point, we've worked out the basics of the processes that produced the topography around us here on Earth.

Bigger Is Better: Quantum Volume Expresses Computer's Limit 
From ACM News

Bigger Is Better: Quantum Volume Expresses Computer's Limit 

The race to build the first useful quantum computer continues apace. And, like all races, there are decisions to be made, including the technology each competitor...

The State of the Car Computer: Forget Horsepower, We Want Megahertz!
From ACM News

The State of the Car Computer: Forget Horsepower, We Want Megahertz!

If I asked you "how many computing devices do you own?" your mind will probably first jump to your PCs and laptops at home, and then to your smartphones and tablets...

The AI Revolution Is Making Game Characters Move More Realistically
From ACM News

The AI Revolution Is Making Game Characters Move More Realistically

When we talk about artificial intelligence in games, we usually picture smarter or more realistic enemies that don't come off as mindless automatons.

On Venus, Tectonics Without the Plates
From ACM News

On Venus, Tectonics Without the Plates

As we've explored the Solar System, some items we're familiar with from Earth's geology have kept appearing in new places.

'we All Love the Tomahawk:' A Brief History of ­.s.'s Favorite Robotic Killer
From ACM News

'we All Love the Tomahawk:' A Brief History of ­.s.'s Favorite Robotic Killer

In the early hours of Friday morning, two U.S. Navy guided-missile destroyers in the waters of the eastern Mediterranean Sea launched a barrage of Tomahawk Land...

For Sale: Your Private Browsing History
From ACM News

For Sale: Your Private Browsing History

The US House of Representatives voted Tuesday to eliminate ISP privacy rules, following the Senate vote to take the same action last week. The legislation to kill...

To Keep Tor Hack Source Code Secret, Doj Dismisses Child Porn Case
From ACM News

To Keep Tor Hack Source Code Secret, Doj Dismisses Child Porn Case

Rather than share the now-classified technological means that investigators used to locate a child porn suspect, federal prosecutors in Washington state have ...

Single Atom Feels the Quantum Heat
From ACM News

Single Atom Feels the Quantum Heat

Thermal transport—the way heat is carried away from a processor, for instance—is very familiar to us.

Observations Catch a Supernova Three Hours After It Exploded
From ACM News

Observations Catch a Supernova Three Hours After It Exploded

The skies are full of transient events.

We Finally Have a Computer that Can Survive the Surface of Venus
From ACM News

We Finally Have a Computer that Can Survive the Surface of Venus

Venus is one of the most inhospitable places in the solar system.

Information Paradox and Black Holes in Plasmas
From ACM News

Information Paradox and Black Holes in Plasmas

Black holes are a problem for physics, and the physics community has never fully warmed to the idea of them.

Google Brain Super-Resolution Image Tech Makes 'zoom, Enhance!' Real
From ACM News

Google Brain Super-Resolution Image Tech Makes 'zoom, Enhance!' Real

Google Brain has devised some new software that can create detailed images from tiny, pixelated source images. Google's software, in short, basically means thetrope...

­niverse Neither Confirms Nor Denies Its Holographic Nature
From ACM News

­niverse Neither Confirms Nor Denies Its Holographic Nature

Cosmology is a funny kind of science. 

In Not-Too-Distant Future, Brain Hackers Could Steal Your Deepest Secrets
From ACM News

In Not-Too-Distant Future, Brain Hackers Could Steal Your Deepest Secrets

In the beginning, people hacked phones.

­.s. Intelligence Seeks a ­niversal Translator For Text Search in Any Language
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Intelligence Seeks a ­niversal Translator For Text Search in Any Language

The U.S. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity's Machine Translation for English Retrieval of Information in Any Language program aims to give researchers...

US Intelligence Seeks a Universal Translator For Text Search in Any Language
From ACM News

US Intelligence Seeks a Universal Translator For Text Search in Any Language

The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency (IARPA), the US Intelligence Community’s own science and technology research arm, has announced it is seeking...

Back to the Future: Silicon May Work For Quantum Computing
From ACM News

Back to the Future: Silicon May Work For Quantum Computing

Although I write a lot about quantum computing, I've not really paid much attention to performing quantum computations with silicon-based qubits. Luckily Stephanie...

Who's Winning the Cyber War? The Squirrels, of Course
From ACM News

Who's Winning the Cyber War? The Squirrels, of Course

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