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dateMore Than a Year Ago
subjectComputer Systems
authorArs Technica

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Julian Assange on Snowden, Disliking Google, and His 'inevitable' Freedom
From ACM Opinion

Julian Assange on Snowden, Disliking Google, and His 'inevitable' Freedom

It would be too much to say that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange feels optimistic.

Fantasy Footballers and Coaches Rejoice—nfl Players to Wear Rfid Tags
From ACM News

Fantasy Footballers and Coaches Rejoice—nfl Players to Wear Rfid Tags

The surveillance society, it seems, is broadening at NFL stadiums.

New Qubit Design Provides Parity Bit for Schrödinger Cat States
From ACM News

New Qubit Design Provides Parity Bit for Schrödinger Cat States

The RAM in our computers is constantly refreshed to ensure that it maintains the intended information.

Massachusetts High Court Orders Suspect to Decrypt His Computers
From ACM News

Massachusetts High Court Orders Suspect to Decrypt His Computers

Massachusetts' top court ruled, in a 5-2 decision on Wednesday, that a criminal suspect can be ordered to decrypt his seized computer.

A Fast Look at Swift, Apple's New Programming Language
From ACM Opinion

A Fast Look at Swift, Apple's New Programming Language

If anyone outside Apple saw Swift coming, they certainly weren't making any public predictions.

Scientific Computing's Future: Can Any Coding Language Top a 1950s Behemoth?
From ACM News

Scientific Computing's Future: Can Any Coding Language Top a 1950s Behemoth?

Take a tour through the research laboratories at any university physics department or national lab, and much of what you will see defines "cutting edge."

Ios 7, Thoroughly Reviewed
From ACM Opinion

Ios 7, Thoroughly Reviewed

When we reviewed iOS 6 a year ago, we called it a "spit-and-polish" release and stand by that assessment today.

Mechanical Computer Flexes Its Muscle
From ACM TechNews

Mechanical Computer Flexes Its Muscle

An artificial, muscle-based computer could have significant potential for the field of robotics. 
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