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subjectComputer Systems
authorArs Technica

An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Google Teaches 'ais' to Invent Their Own Crypto and Avoid Eavesdropping
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Google Teaches 'ais' to Invent Their Own Crypto and Avoid Eavesdropping

Google Brain has created two artificial intelligences that evolved their own cryptographic algorithm to protect their messages from a third AI, which was trying...

The Perpetual Lineup: Half of ­S Adults in a Face-Recognition Database
From ACM News

The Perpetual Lineup: Half of ­S Adults in a Face-Recognition Database

Half of American adults are in a face-recognition database, according to a Georgetown University study released Tuesday.

Humanity's War on Latency: Semaphore to Silicon Photonics and Beyond
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Humanity's War on Latency: Semaphore to Silicon Photonics and Beyond

For most of humanity's existence, communication has been incredibly slow.

Minding the Gap, Blind
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Minding the Gap, Blind

Most commuters keep their eyes down in the morning while traipsing through the gleaming corridors of London’s Euston Underground station.

A Sense of Scale: The Best Microscopy of 2016
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A Sense of Scale: The Best Microscopy of 2016

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek was born while Galileo was still alive, and he ended up developing a similar skill in lens making to that of Galileo.

Vr Started with Gaming, But It Will Take Over Every Other Industry
From ACM Careers

Vr Started with Gaming, But It Will Take Over Every Other Industry

"We are looking at sensory immersion.

At the Bleeding Edge of AI: Quantum Grocery Picking and Transfer Learning
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At the Bleeding Edge of AI: Quantum Grocery Picking and Transfer Learning

Don't laugh, but there may come a time when quantum computers are sorting out your grocery deliveries, and if Paul Clarke, CTO of the online food store Ocado is...

Programmable Chips Turning Azure Into a Supercomputing Powerhouse
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Programmable Chips Turning Azure Into a Supercomputing Powerhouse

Microsoft is embarking on a major upgrade of its Azure systems.

Building a Bionic Spine
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Building a Bionic Spine

Australian neurologist Tom Oxley was on vacation in the US in November 2010 when he decided to do a bit of work.

Obama's Science Advisors: Much Forensic Work Has No Scientific Foundation
From ACM News

Obama's Science Advisors: Much Forensic Work Has No Scientific Foundation

Last year, the US Department of Justice released a report that involved some painful self-examination.

Building a New Tor that Can Resist Next-Generation State Surveillance
From ACM News

Building a New Tor that Can Resist Next-Generation State Surveillance

Since Edward Snowden stepped into the limelight from a hotel room in Hong Kong three years ago, use of the Tor anonymity network has grown massively.

So Much for Counter-Phishing Training: Half of People Click Anything Sent to Them
From ACM News

So Much for Counter-Phishing Training: Half of People Click Anything Sent to Them

Security experts often talk about the importance of educating people about the risks of "phishing" e-mails containing links to malicious websites. But sometimes...

Stretching the Limit of Silicon Nanowires For Next-Generation Electronics
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Stretching the Limit of Silicon Nanowires For Next-Generation Electronics

Flexible electronics, which could be used to control flexible robots, depend on the ability to produce electrical circuits that can be repeatedly stretched and...

Microsoft Sheds Some Light on Its Mysterious Holographic Processing ­nit
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Microsoft Sheds Some Light on Its Mysterious Holographic Processing ­nit

Since it was first unveiled, we've learned bits and pieces about the hardware inside Microsoft's HoloLens augmented reality headset.

Hints Suggest an Insider Helped the Nsa 'equation Group' Hacking Tools Leak
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Hints Suggest an Insider Helped the Nsa 'equation Group' Hacking Tools Leak

A group called the Shadow Brokers made headlines this month by leaking a hacking tool belonging to the NSA's Tailored Access Operations (TAO) team. Now this week...

Linux Turns 25, Is Bigger and More Professional Than Ever
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Linux Turns 25, Is Bigger and More Professional Than Ever

The Linux operating system kernel is 25 years old this month. It was August 25, 1991 when Linus Torvalds posted his famous message announcing the project, claiming...

New Air-Gap Jumper Covertly Transmits Data in Hard-Drive Sounds
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New Air-Gap Jumper Covertly Transmits Data in Hard-Drive Sounds

Researchers have devised a new way to siphon data out of an infected computer even when it has been physically disconnected from the Internet to prevent the leakage...

Fbi Chief Comey: 'we Have Never Had Absolute Privacy'
From ACM News

Fbi Chief Comey: 'we Have Never Had Absolute Privacy'

FBI Director James Comey has some phones—650 of them, to be exact—that he'd really, really like to take a look at.

Good News—the Robocalling Scourge May Not Be Unstoppable After All
From ACM News

Good News—the Robocalling Scourge May Not Be Unstoppable After All

New data shows that the majority of robot-enabled scam phone calls came from fewer than 40 call centers, a finding that offers hope the growing menace of robocalls...

Frequent Password Changes Are the Enemy of Security, Ftc Technologist Says
From ACM News

Frequent Password Changes Are the Enemy of Security, Ftc Technologist Says

Shortly after Carnegie Mellon University professor Lorrie Cranor became chief technologist at the Federal Trade Commission in January, she was surprised by an ...
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